Documents Discussed at Tuesday’s General Meeting

During Malcolm’s presentation Tuesday night, he mentioned three documents that concern the Northcross Mall redevelopment.

The first document was a compiled list of concerns put together by the NSCNA. The data in this document was taken from the votes tallied from the December 19th special meeting at Covenant Presbyterian Church.

You can read this NSCNA concerns document here.

The second document is from the City of Austin. They requested that the neighborhood associations send them their lists of concerns. The city analyzed the received concerns and compiled a proposed term sheet.

You can read this proposed term sheet here.

The third document is a 2005 Traffic report that studied the traffic patterns around the Northcross Mall area. It is a huge document and unfortunately, Malcolm was only given a hard copy. He is working to obtain a digital copy for us to put online for those interested in reading.

UPDATE: Malcolm had the document scanned in for your viewing pleasure. Here it is. Thanks Malcolm!

Documents Discussed at Tuesday’s General Meeting