City of Austin Planning and Priorities

Toby Futrell, the City Manager, invited representatives from all Austin neighbhorhood groups to attend a town hall meeting on July 19th of this year. You can view the invitation here.

The City staff were busy putting together 2008’s proposed budget and wanted to get feedback from the neighborhoods before finalizing it. During this event, more than 100 neighborhood groups were represented and the top priorities of each neighborhood was discussed. Our President, Malcolm St. Romain attended the meeting and discussed our top issues with many people.

Today, we received a letter from Toby with the results of that meeting, containing a list of the top 5 priorities most sought after by neighborhood groups as well as a detailed description of each top priority with information on how much money each will get in the proposed 2008 budget.

You can read the letter here.

And please feel free to go to the new discussion forum and discuss it in more detail. Tell us what you think…

City of Austin Planning and Priorities