Election Results

The January 11th meeting was held this past Sunday with an excellent turnout. The Bylaws committee recommended one amendment to the Bylaws that fixes an election issue involving runoffs that was adopted by the membership. The Nominating committee presented the results of their hard work, a slate of 11 members who are interested in running for Officer and Board positions. The Election committee then took over the meeting and proceeded with the annual elections. It was a quick election, with no new nominations from the floor for any position. Each of the 11 nominated members won their Officer and Board positions by acclimation. Here are the Officer and Board members for 2009.

President: Jeff Russell
Vice-President: Ken Moyer
Secretary: Claudell Migl
Treasurer: Helene Maham
Board Position 1: Chip Rosenthal
Board Position 2: Cheri Hartman
Board Position 3: Candy Ellerd
Board Position 4: Kelly Vaccaro
Board Position 5: Alyssa Hedge
Board Position 6: Sandy Perkins
Board Position 7: Lynda Oaks

You can view a list of past Officer and Board members here.

We look forward to an exciting and challenging 2009.

Election Results