January 26, 2009 Board Meeting Summary

The first board meeting for the 2009 Board of Directors was held on January 26. After reviewing photos taken by Ross Hise, everyone decided to publish a group picture for the newsletter.

Minutes from the Jan 4 meeting were approved. Copies of the October 2008 Bylaws and the January 2009 amendment were circulated for signatures. Signatures from former board members need to be tracked down. Board procedures were reviewed, including a brief overview of Roberts Rules and its modification for small meetings. Standing rules were adopted to:
• Require a second to motions
• Allow friendly amendments to motions
• Draft minutes may be placed on the website.

Helen Maham, Treasurer, gave a report on the 2008 finances. The net earnings were almost $1,500 for 2008. Membership dues from represented only 21% of income; the rest was mostly due to newsletter advertising. The new carryover from 2007 was $4,100 and the net carry over from 2008 was $5,600. The outlook for 2009 is lower membership (41 members as of the meeting, compared to 158 from last year) and lower advertising revenue (based on feedback from the newsletter about to be published).
A budget subcommittee (Helene, Sandy, Jeff) was formed to propose a budget at the next meeting.
The board ratified approval to pay the $35 annual dues to Austin Neighborhood Council.
The board decided to close the two bank accounts at Bank of America (checking and CD), and open two new accounts at Randolf-Brooks Federal Credit Union. The Randolf-Brooks standard form was incorporated into a resolution, and the Treasurer and President will continue to be the authorized signatures on the accounts.

Candidate Forum
The board decided to fully participate in organizing a candidate forum for the upcoming City Council elections. The forum is tentatively scheduled for Monday, April 13. Cheri Hartman will lead this effort in concert will several other neighborhood associations.

The board settled on the follow calendar for meetings, which will be published in the newsletter and the website. The goal of the 4th Wednesday meeting is to prepare for the general meetings.

General Meetings
(First Tuesday)
Board Meetings
(4th Wednesday)
Meeting Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm

February 25
March 3
April 22
May 5
June 24

August 26
September 1
October 28
November 3
December 23
January 5

Organizing Stuff
The board exchanged preferred contact information, which is basically e-mail. A few members indicated a phone call is best for a quick response, but everyone has e-mail that is regularly checked. A contact list was distributed to board members.
The board decided meetings will be held at a neighborhood home until the library opens, after which board will attempt to reserve the library meeting room.
Two key events were identified: the neighborhood July 4th parade and the National Night Out in October. Candy Ellard will help promote National Night Out parties in the neighborhood. A lead organizer for the July 4th paraded is needed.

Some committee chairs were appointed. Media: Sandy Perkins, Traffic: Dallas Maham, Development: Chip Rosenthal, Beautification: Cheri Hartman, Membership: Alyssa Hedge. Chairpersons are needed for Social, Safety, and Bylaws. The Election and Nomination committees are formed later in the year.
We also have an opening for a (voting) representative to the Austin Neighborhood Council (ANC) meetings. Anyone is free to attend ANC meetings.

January 26, 2009 Board Meeting Summary