2010 Election Results

On January 5, the North Shoal Creel Neighborhood Association held its annual meeting. The main order of business at our annual meetings is the election of officers and directors for the coming year.

Here are the results of our election.

2010 Officers

  • Chip Rosenthal – President
  • Ken Moyer – Vice President
  • Kate Brien – Secretary
  • Lois McEvoy – Treasurer

2010 Directors

  • Andreas Guenin
  • Cheri Hartman
  • Alyssa Hedge
  • Don Jones
  • Vicki McFadden
  • Mary Jane Wier
  • Sherran Williams

Congratulations to everybody elected, and thanks to all the members who participated in the election.

Thanks to our Nominating Committee: Chair Juliette Kernion, Kate Brien, Helene Maham, Lynda Oakes, Sandy Perkins. They successfully recruited a full slate of candidates, ensuring that every position was filled.

Thanks to our Election Committee: Chair Randy Alexis, Helene Maham, and Lynda Oakes. They ensured an orderly process. Plus, Election Chair Alexis kept us entertained while votes were counted.

Many of our senior board members from 2009 were “term limited” out of office this year, which presents a bit of a challenge for this new board. Fortunately, many of them remain actively involved in the association, which we appreciate. But that means individual member involvement is now more important than ever. We’ll begin organizing committees later this month, and I hope you’ll think about participating.

Chip Rosenthal, NSCNA President 2010

2010 Election Results