On January 4, the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association held its annual meeting. The main order of business at our annual meetings is the election of officers and directors for the coming year.
Here are the results of our election.
2011 Officers
- Chip Rosenthal – President
- Kenneth Webb – Vice President
- Donna Eagar – Secretary
- Jeri Wines – Treasurer
2011 Directors
- Cheryl Carter
- Amelia Cobb
- Ernie Garcia
- Don Jones
- Alice Kubacak
- Jon Menegay
- Mary Jane Wier
Congratulations to everybody elected, and thanks to all the members who participated in the election.
Thanks to our Nominating Committee: Chair Evelin Nunes Vorzimmer, Jerry Horn, John Migl, Keven Wier, and Sherran Williams. Thanks to our Election Committee: Chair Randy Alexis, Kate Brien, Lois McEvoy, and Lynda Oakes, who ensured an orderly process.
The photo above shows most of the new Board. From left to right: (top) Don Jones, Chip Rosenthal, Ernie Garcia, Kenneth Webb, Jeri Wines, Donna Eager, Amelia Cobb, Cheryl Carter, (bottom) Jon Menegay.