First Texas Honda requested a variance to permit a 60 ft sign at their 3400 Steck Avenue property; City ordinance permits a 30 ft sign. The initial hearing by the Sign Review Board on July 9 was postponed until August 13. This variance, Case # C26-2012-0011 was the first item in the session beginning at 5:30 p.m. tonight.
Those who did not attend the hearing missed some political drama. Initially the hearing was postponed until September at the applicant’s request. However, due to technical problems, the audience could not hear what was being said by the speakers and were unaware of the motion to postpone. Some members of the audience then left. Later a neighbor requested to speak to the board about the postponement. He requested the motion to postpone the hearing be reconsidered due to the fact that the audience was not aware of the earlier proceedings and had no opportunity to speak against the postponement.

The board then rescinded the earlier vote to postpone and heard speakers for and against postponement. A new motion to postpone was voted down and the public hearing was reopened. After the applicant representative spoke for the variance, the opposition was granted as total of 5 minutes to speak against the
variance. Two speakers used 4 minutes before I was able to speak for 1 minute. I presented 3 pictures of the site which were taken from MOPAC and which showed part of the main Honda building. One picture taken from the corner of Steck Avenue and North bound MOPAC Frontage Road which showed both the Honda building and the Lowes’ sign on Steck Avenue. I stated NSCNA’s objection to the 60 ft sign and stated my opinion that a 30 ft sign, properly located, would have adequate visibility.

The board then closed the public hearing and voted to deny the variance. The board members also suggested that the Honda Dealership and the neighborhood discuss the sign matter and come to a mutual agreement.
After the board hearing, Members of NSCNA and other neighbors met briefly with the Honda representatives. We agreed to communicate with them and possibly hold a meeting to discuss the sign and other matters of mutual interest.