NSCNA Membership Meeting, Tuesday, September 5, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Pillow Elementary School Library

The meeting agenda includes the upcoming NSCNA-sponsored skating party on September 23rd at Playland Skate Center and the election of a 5-person nominating committee that will select a slate of candidates for NSCNA’s four officer and seven board positions.

Pillow E.S. is located at 3025 Crosscreek. Please enter through Pillow’s front door; the library is the first room to your left.

All NSCNA meetings are open to the public. You do not need to be a member to come and participate.

If you haven’t paid your $15/household dues for 2023 yet, you can pay via check or cash at the meeting. Or, you can pay anytime online via Paypal at www.nscna.org/join. Dues paid online are $16, which includes a $1.05 Paypal processing fee.

You can also pay anytime by mailing a $15.00 check, payable to “NSCNA,”to NSCNA / PO Box 66443 / Austin, TX 78766-0443. When paying by mail, please include the names of any committees you want to serve on.

We hope to see you there!

Posted by Sharon Justice, Chair, NSCNA Media Committee (mediachair@nscna.org)

NSCNA Membership Meeting, Tuesday, September 5, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Pillow Elementary School Library