Candidates’ Statements for 2024 Board Election

PRESIDENT: open position

VICE-PRESIDENT: Josh Conrad:  I am the current NSCNA president and I am running for vice-president in order to continue the great work we’ve been able to accomplish over the past two years. My family and I have been Austinites for over a decade and residents of the neighborhood since 2019. We love our neighborhood for its friendliness, diversity and convenience. As vice-president I hope to continue to find new ways for the association to be helpful to all residents and to build a sense of community through fun projects and events.

SECRETARY: Clarissa Colley: My name is Clarissa Colley and I am a candidate for the position of Secretary. My partner Josh, our child Miles and I have lived in the neighborhood since 2019, and we have been members of the NSCNA since 2019.  I have a plot at the community garden and participate in twice yearly garden clean ups. I would like to support the NSCNA in the role of Secretary and am also interested in becoming involved with the Social Committee.

TREASURER: John Anderson:  My wife, Denise, and I have lived in our house on Stillwood Lane for 32 years, since the first year of our marriage.  We have raised four children here and they all attended Pillow Elementary then Burnet Middle School and then Anderson High School.  I am nearing retirement and would like to give back in some way to the community.  Having worked with some of the members of the association in the past, I want to help with the neighborhood association going forward.  I currently work for a small company where I have worked as a controller and office manager.


Ayesha Badar: My husband and I moved to 8303 Franwood in October 2021. As first- time homeowners, we feel so grateful to have found such a welcoming and lively community to start our married life. We’ve absolutely loved getting to know our neighbors and taking our daily evening walks around Pillow Elementary. Since I’m fairly new to the neighborhood, I’m excited to learn more about the neighborhood history, the residents, and how I can best give back and support this community. I’m also looking to get involved as a NSCNA Board Member with the hope to support cultivating a diverse and inclusive culture for our neighborhood and creating a sense of community and belonging for our residents. I have a professional background of working in nonprofit management and community-based organizations. A few years ago, I made the shift to corporate and currently work at Meta in their Diversity/Social Impact sector. My husband and I are both from the Midwest, specifically Saint Louis, Missouri, and moved to Austin 5 years ago. We are looking forward to starting our family here and making 8303 Franwood our forever home. 

Tomas Rodriguez:   Our family moved to the neighborhood in 1980 and became NSCNA members around 1987. My children attended Pillow. I am a retired AISD teacher.  I’ve had an opportunity to serve on the Traffic committee and would like to continue serving on that committee for the coming year. I’ve served as president, participated in negotiations that have provided funds for the association by the  Nissan dealership and several nominating committee terms.  Other activities have been the recent Mosaic art project, our 4th of July parade and the annual Luminarias Christmas events.

Michael Gully-Santiago: Hi, I’m Michael Gully-Santiago, most folks just call me “Gully”.  My wife Chelsey and I moved to our home on Briarwood Lane in September 2022.  I first moved to Austin in 2008 and got my PhD in Astronomy in 2015 from UT Austin.  Our family adores biking around the kid-friendly neighborhood streets and going to the playground at Pillow with our 3-year-old son.  I have been impressed with NSCNA’s organization and the community’s variety of perspectives.  Its initiatives and meeting presentations—the oral & website history projects, newsletter, and Shoal Creek Conservancy’s riparian restoration—stand out.  As a scientist and ham radio operator, I am eager to contribute to emergency preparedness as risks of extreme weather events like flooding become more common/extreme.  As a bicycle commuter, I am keen to work with the Traffic Committee on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.  And as a fun-loving dad, I look forward to helping with event planning, such as July 4th and Luminaria. As a prospective Board member, I will bring problem solving skills and professionalism to our collective decision making.  I generally aim to foster community through good old-fashioned talking to each other and learning from the long heritage of the Association and its members.

Deborah Glast:  Greetings NSCNA! I am Deborah Glast and I’ve lived on Little Laura since 2011. As a member of NSCNA, I am so proud of our neighborhood, the association and all the volunteers. Before moving to town, I was an English professor at UT Arlington. I deeply enjoyed teaching and engaging with students of all ages. Over the years I have attended NSCNA events, like the Fourth of July parade and winter Luminaria event. I’ve been thrilled to see the community garden at Pillow blossom and the colorful mural brighten the street. As Austin has changed, so has our neighborhood. I believe an integral role of the board is to continue to be aware of and work with the city and developers to ensure the neighborhood’s safety and accessibility. Serving on the board of NSCNA would allow me to give back to my neighborhood as well as to show support and appreciation to those who served previously. My committee interests are varied and I would like to help in any way I can. Thanks again to all those who volunteered in the past and those offering to help continue to make NSCNA such a fabulous place to live.

Dick Dunbar: I have lived in the NSCNA area on Ashdale St. for over 16 years and been a member of NSCNA for 6+ years. I was the chairman for the NSCNA Community Garden for its first three years. In addition, I currently serve on the City of Austin’s Contact Committee that reviews proposed commercial developments and zoning requests that are within NSCNA boundaries. I am a firm believer in “giving back.” If elected to a board position, a goal that I have is to help build a stronger sense of community for our neighbors and provide reasons for them to join NSCNA.

Kathy Rudd: My name is Kathy Rudd, and I’m interested in serving as a director on the NSCNA board.  My husband Ron and I have lived in the neighborhood since 2015. Since last August, I’ve served as a director on the NSCNA board and as a member of the social committee, dedicated to growing and improving relationships and connectedness in our community, especially with Pillow Elementary. I would love to continue helping our neighborhood grow as an inclusive and caring family. Through events like our Fourth of July Parade, Playland Skate Party, Fall Bake/Gift Sale and Luminaria Walk, I’ve watched neighbors of all ages and backgrounds spending time together and supporting each other. This has given me hope for the healing and progress that can happen in diverse communities that believe in respect and love for everyone. 
                Working with Pillow Elementary over the past year has been very rewarding. I have assisted Parent/Student Resource Specialist Dianna Perez in meeting the needs of students and refugee families through food, clothing, and home goods supply drives.  I also served as a member of the Campus Advisory Committee, gaining insight into Pillow’s planning process for campus goals and staff development. This year, I would like to continue building the relationship between NSCNA and Pillow. Together, we can really have a positive impact on students’ and families’ lives, helping them access resources they need to flourish!
                My main goals are to strengthen the bonds between the NSCNA and Pillow, to help grow our membership and connectedness through neighborhood events, and to offer support for neighbors in need. Thank you for the opportunity to work with a group of talented people, committed to the challenge of creating a community that everyone can be proud to call home!

There is one open director position in addition to the open position for NSCNA President

Candidates’ Statements for 2024 Board Election