The City of Austin is developing a new comprehensive long range plan. Our Develolpment Committee has been monitoring this process.
The city is identifying areas to place high density development, and designating them as town centers. Mid-way through the process, an additional town center was placed on Anderson Lane at MoPac. We are concerned because this designation was not part of the plans originally presented to us for review, and was added without opportunity for discussion or consultation.
At the June 22 board meeting, the NSCNA Board of Directors unanimously approved the following policy resolution:
NSCNA opposes placement of Town Center designation at Anderson Lane at MoPac Expressway until appropriate studies have been conducted and NSCNA is included in the process.
The Board also asked the Development Committee to work with the Allandale Neighborhood Association (the neighborhood on the south side of Anderson), to draft a joint letter to the city. You may view a copy of the letter here.
We will be meeting with the City to understand how this designation was made and how it will impact our neighborhood.