The Bond Election Advisory Task Force has completed its review of potential bond projects and has made recommendations for $400 million and $575 million bond packages. Each divides projects into categories including affordable housing, City facilities, community-based projects, parks/open space and transportation/mobility.

The Task Force recommendations report will be presented to City Council along with City Manager bond package recommendations at the June 26, 2012 Council work session. The work session will begin at 9:00am in the City Hall Boards and Commissions Room.

Upon receiving final recommendations from the Task Force, City staff and public input, the City Council will have the opportunity to formulate a bond package which could be on the ballot as early as November 2012. The City Council is expected to decide in August whether to call a bond election and, if so, how the propositions will be presented to voters on the ballot.

The Task Force recommendations report, City Manager’s recommendations, and other information on the bond development process will be made available on Bond Development Update as it becomes available.