General Membership Meeting – Tue Jan 10 – 6:30pm – Pillow School library

Agenda includes election of officers and directors for 2023 and a presentation by the Shoal Creek Conservancy staff about our efforts to establish a park at Shoal Creek and Steck

All NSCNA meetings are open to the public. You do not need to be a member to come and participate.

Pillow E.S. is located at 3025 Crosscreek. Please enter through Pillow’s front door; the library is the first room to your left.

Please note: you must have paid your 2023 NSCNA dues to be eligible to vote in the election. Dues are $15/household. If you aren’t a member, you can join via cash or check at the meeting. Or, you can join online at any time via PayPal at; online payments are $16/household which includes a PayPal processing fee.

Hope to see you there!

General Membership Meeting – Tue Jan 10 – 6:30pm – Pillow School library