The following email requests that residents of Districts 7 & 10 express their opposition to the Austin Oaks PUD. NSCNA’s membership and Board have voted to oppose the PUD, so NSCNA’s official position remains opposed to it. However, the Board recognizes the importance of ALL North Shoal Creek residents expressing their opinions whether in support or in opposition. We urge you to know what is going on in your community, be involved in your community, and express your opinions to your elected representatives.
“From Kata Carbone, Allandale
ACTION ITEM: Register your opposition to Austin Oaks PUD
The Austin Oaks PUD hearing continues at City Council on 16-Feb-2017. The PUD still fails to satisfy major concerns of 4-corner neighborhood residents: too much traffic, too many trees killed, buildings are too tall.
ONE CLICK sends your email to all city council members at once:
COPY & PASTE the following into the council message template (or rewrite as you wish):
****[Short Version]****
Subject: OPPOSE Austin Oaks PUD
Message: Please oppose the Austin Oaks PUD (case C814-2014-0120). Thank you.
****[-OR- Long Version]****
Subject: OPPOSE Austin Oaks PUD
Message: My neighborhood will be negatively impacted by this PUD. We do not accept trade-offs that diminish our quality of life merely to offset perfunctory community benefits. The Austin Oaks PUD:
* is opposed by > 80% of the surrounding residents;
* is opposed by > 40% of the property owners within 200′;
* is deficient in housing (especially affordable, family-friendly units);
* does not adequately mitigate traffic impacts;
* kills too many trees (283 heritage and protected trees);
* exceeds 5-story building heights adjacent to neighborhoods along MoPac.
Please oppose the Austin Oaks PUD (case C814-2014-0120). Thank you.”