North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association
General Membership Meeting @Pillow Elementary School Library September 4, 2018, 6:30 P.M. – 8:15P.M.
Guidelines for a successful meeting: We want to keep the meeting moving forward and to keep everyone interested and engaged. 1. Let’s keep our comments shorter when many people want to speak. It’s courteous and you will hold people’s attention better. 2. After you’ve asked a question, give others an opportunity to ask a question before you ask another. 3. Let’s not talk over each other. 4. Let’ keep side conversations to a minimum. 5. If there’s a lot of discussion, we’ll raise hands to be called on to speak. 6. Members will vote by raising their voting card.
6:30-6:40p (10) 1. Call to Order/ Welcome/Introductions
6:40-6:45p (05) 2. Approve minutes from May 1st General Membership Meeting
6:45-6:50p (05) 3. Treasurer’s Report
6:50-7:10p (20) 4. NPP, Steck Ave. Bridge Tile Mosaic Art Project—Discuss project as reminder, budget, and vote on approval of expenditure of NSCNA funds.
7:10-7:30p (20) 5. NSC Neighborhood Plan Final Approval-Review/Discussion
7:30-7:35pm (5) 6. NCS Contact Team-Update (Sharon Justice)
7:35-7:55p (20) 7. Committee reports: Beautification (Mary Jane Wier) Bylaws; Nominating (Kenneth Webb) Development (Kevin Wier)
Garden (Sara Brandon) Media (Sharon Justice) Membership (Brian Brandon/Jeri Wines) Safety (Roger Wines) Social (Jon Menegay) Traffic (OPEN)
7:55-8:15p (20) 8. New Business and Announcements (1. Trash truck/dumpster noise-request for help from Tony Kelly; 2. UHaul issue- helping Guy Griffiths)
8:15p 9. Adjourn (Next GMM scheduled for November 6th (U.S. election day))