North Shoal Creek is zoned to contain 3 of the 5 zoning codes proposed for multifamily areas in the draft LDC. Please see the map below for the locations of our neighborhood’s multifamily zones.
RM2 (the triplexes and fourplexes on Mossrock & Dawnridge Circle):
- Min. lot size for a multifamily dwelling: 5,000 sq. ft.
- Min. lot size for a live/work dwelling or townhouse: 1,800 sq. ft.
- Number of dwelling units per acre: 24 base, with an additional 36/acre under AHBP
- Setbacks from property line: 10’ front-5’ side street-5’ side-5’ rear
- Compatibility setbacks <75’ wide lot: 10’-5’-15’-30’
- >75’ wide lot: 10’-5’-20’-30’
- Overall max. width of bldg.: 100’
- Maximum height : 40‘ + 20’ AHBP (total of 60’ with AHBP)
- Stepbacks: <25’ = 25’
- 25-50 = 35’
- 50-100 = 45’
- Impervious cover: 60%
RM3 (all other existing multifamily apartments and condos in North Shoal Creek)
- Min. lot size for a multifamily dwelling: 5,000 sq. ft.
- Min. lot size for a live/work unit or townhouse: 1,800 sq. ft.
- Number of dwelling units per acre: 36 base, with an additional 40/acre under AHBP
- If live/work or townhouse: 24 units/acre base; AHBP not available
- Setbacks from property line: 5’ – 5’- 5’- 5’
- Compatibility setbacks <75’ wide lot: 5’-5’-10’-30’
- >75’ wide lot: 5’-5’-20’-30’
- Maximum height: 60′ + 30’ AHBP (total of 90’ with AHBP)
- Stepbacks: <25’ = 25’
- 25-50 = 35’
- 50-100 = 45’
- Impervious cover: 70%
RM5 (the 300-unit complex to be constructed near the corner of Rockwood and Burnet)
- Min. lot size for a multifamily dwelling: 5,000 sq. ft.
- Min. lot size for a live/work dwelling or townhouse: 1,800 sq. ft.
- Number of dwelling units/acre: 54 base; unlimited if under AHBP
- If live/work or townhouse: 24 base with no AHBP available
- Setbacks from property line: 5’- 5’- 5’- 5’
- Height max: 90’ + 30’ AHBP (total of 120’ with AHBP)
- Compatibility setbacks <75’ wide lot: 5′-5′-10′-30′
- >75’ wide lot: 5′-5′-20′-30′
- Stepbacks: < 50 = 35’; 50-100 = 45’
- Impervious cover: 80%
An overview of multifamily zoning in North Shoal Creek under the proposed land development code