We had a good turn out for the April General Meeting on Tuesday night with over 50 members present. Members were given an 18 page document containing the meeting’s agenda, past meeting minutes for approval, budget information, traffic committee resolutions for approval and summaries of each committee. You can view that document here. Kevin Belter was our guest speaker and spoke about trees and their effects on house foundations. He gave advice on many topics including how far away from house foundations one should plant new trees, etc.
We approved past meeting minutes after much debate. The Development Committee handed out two documents and presented slides on the VMU recommendations for the north side of Anderson Lane. You can view the VMU recommendations document here and the overall committee summary here.
You can view the presented slides here.
The Traffic committee then presented 3 resolutions all related to Steck Avenue and each resolution was passed by the membership. You can view those resolutions in the 18 page document at the link above. Time ran out and we were unable to complete the agenda items.
Photos from the meeting:
Secretary Claudell Migl and President Jeff Russell (sorry, blurry) | Kevin Belter – Guest Speaker |