Austin Energy is in the process of pruning and removing trees that are near electric lines in our neighborhood. They maintain the lines to ensure customers’ safety and to maintain reliable electric service. At the same time, trees are beneficial to our quality of life, health and property values, so they should be trimmed with great care. You have rights in this process and so do your large trees.
We have prepared an information sheet for North Shoal Creek residents, so you can understand the tree maintenance process and what you can do to ensure minimal harm to the trees on your property.
The Austin Energy tree trimming process is underway now, so please review this information as soon as possible. If you know of any neighbors who have received a tree removal notification, please make them aware of this information.
Contact Chip Rosenthal at (512) 573-5174 or for assistance, or if you know of a neighbor who would like to receive a printed copy of the information sheet.
Download the information sheet as a PDF: NSCNA Austin Energy Tree Trimming Information Sheet