NSCNA Blog Archive

  • The 4th Quarterly meeting of the APD Commanders Forum was held on November 13th, 7pm at Austin Revival Center on Deen St. Attending from North Shoal Creek was Mary Arnett and Roger Wines. Sgt. Beechinor and District Rep Mike Young spoke about the new Rundberg Revitalization Initiative. Previously, North Shoal Creek block captains and most Board Members signed a petition and letter of support requesting the City Manager to give special attention to this crime ridden area. Other NACN neighborhoods gave their petitions as well.

  • During the recent special meeting, we discussed the following motion:
    “… To financially support ANA with $2,000.00 to be distributed to ANA within 14 days… “.

    Nearly 100 members were present during this Special General membership meeting held on Tuesday, September 18th. Betsy Todd, who served as the meeting’s Parliamentarian. She made sure that over twenty people were each given at least 1.5 minutes to discuss (and debate) the Motion and she insured the vote by the General Membership on the Motion occurred. We are grateful for her service.

    Each Board Member spoke for a minute and over 20 members provided their feedback and opinion of the night’s topic.

    There were 95 votes (of 97 attendees) cast this evening. 51 votes were cast FOR and 44 votes cast AGAINST (both the NSCNA President and meeting Parliamentarian abstained) the Motion.

    Our Treasurer will be preparing the check soon and the President will write a formal reply to ANA’s letter. The NSCNA President will deliver the check and the letter before October 2, 2007.

  • On Tuesday night, Dallas Maham provided the Board with copies of the agreement signed by NSCNA and the developers of the Lucas Tract which is now the location of the Nissan Dealership north of our neighborhood. This occurred in 1998 and provided our association with $25,000.

    You can read the agreement here.

    “A combined total of a twenty-five thousand dollar contribution from North Shoal Creek Commercial, Ltd. and Town North Autoplex to be utilized for neighborhood traffic calming efforts or any other neighborhood project. ”

    The NSCNA was working with the City to provide speed humps to slow traffic down, but the City around 1999 decided to suspend all traffic calming projects. This money has been accruing interest since this time and now sits close to $30000.

    The City has decided to restart traffic calming projects in 2008 with a pilot program. Their plan is to choose 4 neighborhoods with the greatest need and work with them to implement traffic calming measures. They have not chosen the 4 neighborhoods yet, but the traffic committee is doing everything we can to increase our odds. We also do not know if this means more speed bumps, or if technology has improved to include new items that help. But we are certain that neighborhoods that have the ability to partially fund these traffic calming projects will get considerably more attention from the City.

  • The NSCNA Board of Directors has received a letter from Tom Linehan who is the current president of the Allandale Neighborhood Association (ANA). He asks if our group would make a financial contribution to their legal fund. Tom and another ANA Executive committee member attended our last Board meeting to discuss their request. They are looking for support from the surrounding neighborhood associations including ours.

    You can view the letter here.

    The NSCNA Board agreed that the general membership should be responsible for providing the NSCNA response. A special general membership meeting will be scheduled soon. Additional details about the meeting’s agenda and logistics will be posted as soon as the information is available.

  • The Beautification committee has chosen the Yard of the Month for August 2007. The winner is Joe Carroll at 8213 Rockwood. Congratulations to this homeowner on a good job of beautifying the neighborhood. The next time you find yourself on Rockwood, make sure you look for the Yard of the Month sign to enjoy the view at 8213 Rockwood. Continue reading to see more photos of the yard.