NSCNA Blog Archive

  • The next Development Committee meeting will be held Monday, May 7, 2007 at Jon Menegay’s house at 8009 Rockwood Lane. Any persons with an interest in becoming a part of the committee are welcome to attend. The meeting will start at 6:30 pm and should last no longer than 1 ½-2 hours.

  • The next General meeting of NSCNA is schedule for Tuesday May 1st, 2007 at 6:30pm in the Pillow Elementary School cafeteria.

    If you have not paid your 2007 dues ($15 and this allows you to vote) you may pay these that evening. Remember, if you don’t participate, your voice is not heard. We hope that the momentum of our first quarter meetings is still going strong and hope to see all of you there on May 1st!!

    The agenda for the meeting is below:


  • The groundbreaking ceremony for the new library at Steck was held this past Saturday. We had a great turnout who enjoyed listening to the live band, eating breakfast tacos from Curra’s Grill, drinking coffee and smoothies from Maui Zowi and enjoying the face painting and balloon art of a colorful clown.

    We had three council members attend as well as the staff of the current North Village Library, John Gillum and other library staff, the architects who designed the library and the construction team.

    The event began with live music to set the mood and help ward off the impeding weather. There were many speeches that discussed the history of the branch library, how the architects designed the library as well as our own Malcolm St. Romain who said a few words about the project.

    At the end, the speakers all took shovel in hand and heartily threw some ceremonial mulch.

    Photos from the event can be found here.

    I spoke with John Gillum after the ceremony and he let me know we should expect earth movers within the next two weeks as the construction team is ready to get started.

    Thanks to everyone who attended.

  • Spring is here and it is time to clean out that cluttered garage/attic/house/shed/etc! The Neighborhood Garage Sale has been planned and scheduled.

    Saturday – May 12th 7am – 2pm (Alternate Rain Date – Saturday – May 19th 7am – 2pm)

    If you would like your address included in the fliers, please contact:

    Aleda Johnson at 453-0672 or email her at aledathweatt at yahoo dot com no later than May 7th by 5pm

    NSCNA will run a large ad in the American Statesman as well as put our perimeter signs on major streets coming into the neighborhood. Each family can pick up fliers with addresses and a map indicating where garage sales are from Aleda. Individual yard signs are the responsibility of the participant.

    This is also a great opportunity to get out and meet your neighbors.

    Here are some garage sale related websites to help make garage sale a success:

    Yard Sale Queen
    Yard Sale Organization
    Clutter control tips
    Garage Sale Pricing tips