NSCNA Blog Archive

  • During Malcolm’s presentation Tuesday night, he mentioned three documents that concern the Northcross Mall redevelopment.

    The first document was a compiled list of concerns put together by the NSCNA. The data in this document was taken from the votes tallied from the December 19th special meeting at Covenant Presbyterian Church.

    You can read this NSCNA concerns document here.

    The second document is from the City of Austin. They requested that the neighborhood associations send them their lists of concerns. The city analyzed the received concerns and compiled a proposed term sheet.

    You can read this proposed term sheet here.

    The third document is a 2005 Traffic report that studied the traffic patterns around the Northcross Mall area. It is a huge document and unfortunately, Malcolm was only given a hard copy. He is working to obtain a digital copy for us to put online for those interested in reading.

    UPDATE: Malcolm had the document scanned in for your viewing pleasure. Here it is. Thanks Malcolm!

  • The minutes from the January 23rd general meeting were passed out at Tuesday’s general meeting and approved by those assembled.

    For those who missed these meetings, you can read the minutes here.

    Minutes for last Tuesday’s meeting will be posted as soon as I receive them.


  • Helene Maham presented the treasury report for the first quarter of 2007. You can view it here:

    Or view it here.

  • The latest newsletter should be hitting your mailboxes this week. It was unveiled last night at the General meeting at Pillow Elementary and looks great.

    You can view the newsletter here or under the Media section of the site.

    Thanks go out for a great job to Sandy Perkins and everyone who contributed. (See the Newsletter Page 14 for the list of people to thank!)

    If you have ideas for topics for next quarter’s newsletter, would like to contribute an article, or would like to help in general, please contact Sandy Perkins.

  • A special general meeting of the NSCNA has been called for Tuesday, March 6 at 6:30 – 8:30 PM at the Pillow Elementary School.

    Since our last General Meeting on January 23rd, 2007, the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Board Members have been taking care of your neighborhood business. We need your attendance and participation at a special General Meeting. We want to make sure our neighbors are up to date with the latest information and we need your input so that we may move forward with various important issues.

    First, we need as many people as possible to attend an Open House hosted by Lincoln and Wal-Mart at Northcross Mall on Monday, March 5th between the hours of 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Norris Conference Center (entrance at the south side of Northcross). Architects and Traffic Engineers from the Wal-Mart design team will be present to answer questions and take comments. Project displays of all design aspects will be available for your examination. Take a look at their latest presentation and familiarize yourself with their solutions to neighborhood concerns.

    Second, we need as many dues paying members as possible to attend this special General Meeting on Tuesday, March 6th, 2007 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the Pillow Cafeteria. There will be a presentation of some additional information regarding the Northcross Development and its impact on our neighborhood. Members will be allowed to ask questions and make comments. We will be taking a vote for how to proceed into the future with the Northcross issue.

    If you have not paid your 2007 dues ($15 and this allows you to vote) you may pay these that evening. Remember, if you don’t participate, your voice is not heard. We hope that the momentum of our January meeting is still going strong and hope to see all of you there on March 6th!!


    1. Setting of Meeting Norms
    2. Reading of Last Meeting’s Minutes and Old Business
    3. Neighborhood President Malcolm St. Romain addresses the membership
    4. Committees, Calendar of Events, Volunteer Opportunities
    5. Treasurer’s Report
    6. Options for our Neighborhood regarding Northcross
    7. Questions and Answers
    8. Vote on Options
    9. Adjourn