NSCNA Blog Archive

  • Here is the tentative calendar of events for 2007. It includes all foreseen events planned by the NSCNA.

    You can also view the Calendar here

  • Due to this week’s bad weather, the NSCNA general meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, January 23rd at 6:30 pm at Pillow Elementary.

    Remind your neighbors!

  • The next NSCNA meeting will be held on January 16th at 6:30pm in the Pillow Elementary Cafeteria. We will be voting on board members, renewing 2007 memberships with the membership drive, and having a discussion about the Northcross development.

  • Acting Police Chief Cathy Ellison will host three town hall meetings next week to share the department’s mission, vision and 2007 goals. Community input regarding the 2007 goals is key to the success of the Department. Participation from the community is significant to APD. Community members play a vital role in contributing to the effective operation of the department. Open dialogue is encouraged by the Department and Chief Ellison welcomes questions and input from the community. This information will assist the department in continuing to provide a high level of service to the residents of Austin.

    The Town Hall meetings are scheduled as follows:


  • A neighborhood meeting about the redevelopment of Northcross Mall has been scheduled for December 19th by Meredith. We will have ballot boxes available for a vote on the new development. Our neighborhood meeting and vote is this coming Tuesday, December 19th, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 3003 Northland Drive, in Eaton Hall. Reps from Wal-Mart, Lincoln Properties and their lawyers will be there to answer questions, as well as reps from Responsible Growth for Northcross. Meredith will have an agenda for the meeting, which will be run with presentations, and then have an open-house style format at the end.

    Also, Meredith met with the assistant city manager, Council Member Martinez, COA Watershed Development and Protection staff, and other NA presidents on Tuesday to address some of the issues that are being brought up around the development. Everything that was brought up and addressed is located on the City of Austin website:


    This link includes the latest articles, the memos to the COA, and the traffic impact analysis. Please review these articles if they are of interest to you and let Meredith know if you have additional questions.