NSCNA Blog Archive

  • An online virtual meeting of the NSCNP Contact Team will be held September 10, 2020,
    6:45 pm to 8:00 pm

    The Agenda for the meeting will include:
    Status of rezoning and plan amendments.
    Schedule of meetings for October through December, 2020.
    Procedures for nomination and election of officers for 2021-2022.
    Priorities of Neighborhood Plan Actions.

    If you would like to know more about the contact team, or attend the meeting, please send an email to nsccontactteam@gmail.com

  • NSCNA isn’t hosting its usual Independence Day Parade this year, but NSCNA’s Social Committee has decorated the fence on the south side of the Pillow campus (the Stanwood side). Decorations will be up from Friday, July 3 through Sunday, July 5.

    We had planned to do more, as the photo below shows. Sadly, heat, a lack of people power, and the setting sun all conspired to limit what we could do.

    If you find yourself on Stanwood, take a look at the decorated fence.

    May you all have a safe and happy Independence Day weekend.

    Sharon Justice, Chair,

    Media Committee


  • The following communication from the City of Austin Auditor’s Office is posted for information:

    “Dear Neighborhood Association and Community Organization:

    SUBJECT: Redistricting Process-Help Shape Austin’s Future at RedistrictATX.org

    The City Auditor’s Office has launched a citywide community outreach campaign for the City’s redistricting process. The City Auditor is looking for volunteers to serve on the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission and the Applicant Review Panel.

    Redistricting is the process for residents to redraw the boundaries of the council districts every ten years. The boundaries of the council districts affect how residents are represented for the next decade.

    The Commission will be responsible for redrawing the City Council districts.

    The City Auditor is asking organizations to encourage their members to participate in this important process by applying for either the Applicant Review Panel or the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. Residents can find information on the process, applicant qualifications, and an online application at RedistrictATX.org.

    The 14-member Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission will be responsible for redrawing the boundaries of the council districts.

    The Applicant Review Panel will select 60 of the most qualified applicants for the redistricting commission, from which the 14 members will be selected. Three independent auditors with CPAs will be selected to serve on the panel.

    The redistricting process happens every ten years and coincides with the census. In 2012, Austin voters elected to move to single members districts from an at-large system. The ten City Council districts were initially created in 2013 by a diverse group of Austin residents who serve on the historic Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission.

    Applications will be accepted for the Applicant Review Panel through Sept. 1. The Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission application period ends Sept. 30. The Commission will be formed in early 2021, the work begins Mar. 1 and continues through Nov. 2021 with the new districts in effect in Nov. 2022.

    If you would like to host a virtual presentation with the Auditor’s Office, please send an email to RedistrictATX@austintexas.gov or call 512-974-2805.

    Thank you for your time, and let us know if we can be of service regarding this important redistricting process to help shape Austin’s future.


    Corrie Stokes

    City Auditor”

  • The June/Summer Issue of NSCNA’s Newsletter has been posted at nscna.org. To read it, click on the “Latest Newsletter” link in the right column of this page or click on the Newsletter tab at the top of the page.

    Because of the coronavirus, print copies were mailed rather than delivered door-to-door. If you want a print copy and fail to receive one in your mailbox, please email your name and address to newsletter@nscna.org.

  • To celebrate Pillow Elementary’s 50th anniversary, art teacher Suzy Swingle is spearheading a project to decorate the fence around the school. Any individual, family or group may design and decorate a panel, starting at the Rockwood-Crosscreek corner and proceeding along Rockwood. To ensure social distancing, Swingle has designated every other panel to be decorated; those panels are marked with pink tape. Participants will provide their own designs and materials; anything goes except for paper, cardboard and plastic cups. For now, gloves, masks and 6-foot distancing are required. No sign-up is necessary, but questions may be directed to suzy.swingle@austinisd.org.