NSCNA Blog Archive

  • NSCNA’s Development Committee is fighting to keep our North Shoal Creek neighborhood plan intact in the revised Land Development Code. So far, our efforts haven’t paid off. Now, we’re asking that all North Shoal Creek residents email the Austin City Council, asking them to reinstate our neighborhood plan’s zoning for two areas: Buell Ave. Live/Work District and Rockwood south of Steck. Here’s an explanation of why we’re asking this and a sample letter you can use if you don’t want to write your own. Questions? Email development@nscna.org.

    Austin City Council unanimously approved North Shoal Creek’s Neighborhood Plan and Future Land Use Map (FLUM) in August 2018. A lot of careful thought went into our FLUM, maximizing housing density and business space while protecting our core of family homes as well as parks and other neighborhood spaces. Our FLUM ensures our neighborhood can grow and thrive with the rest of Austin and gives special consideration to issues such as flooding and impervious cover, traffic and parking concerns, and pedestrian safety.

    If you agree that our FLUM is what’s best for North Shoal Creek, please let Austin City Council members know you support it and want to see any future rezoning efforts honor our Neighborhood Plan.

    Follow this link to send an email to all Austin City Council members: https://www.austintexas.gov/email/all-council-members. If you’re not sure what to say, consider pasting in the sample text below. Name and email are required to use the contact form.

    Subject: Zoning in North Shoal Creek – Use Our Neighborhood Plan and FLUM
    Austin City Council unanimously approved the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan and Future Land Use Map (FLUM) on Aug. 23, 2018, with the understanding that our plan is what is best for our neighborhood to ensure it can grow and thrive with the rest of Austin.

    In rezoning North Shoal Creek for the revised Land Development Code, City staff made two changes to our Neighborhood Plan:
    1. Staff rezoned six lots of our 11 lot Buell Live/Work District from LI (Light Industrial) to MU5B-Q, leaving too little of our Buell Live/Work District for it to remain viable.
    2. Staff rezoned 26 houses on Rockwood Lane south of Steck Avenue from R2A to R4.

    Please instruct staff to correct the MU5B-Q zoning back to LI zoning, and the R4 zoning on Rockwood back to R2A to match our Neighborhood Plan and FLUM.

    1. Here’s why we’re asking this:
    1) Our plan is based on Mayor Adler’s “Austin Bargain.” It aims both to protect our neighborhoods and to deliver the increased housing supply we need to make Austin more affordable.
    2) Our plan makes 151 acres in our neighborhood eligible for multi-family and mixed use zoning.
    3) According to City staff, this additional acreage has the potential for 3,802 new housing units. Currently, North Shoal Creek has 2,155 housing units.
    4) In addition to the 3,802 new housing units, our current Neighborhood Plan and FLUM allows ADUs and duplexes throughout our neighborhood, which has the potential to double density in our residential core.

    2. City staff said during our plan’s public hearing before the Planning Commission that any additional housing gained by changing the zoning on Buell was unnecessary, given the huge increase in housing potential that the rest of the plan provides.

    3. The homes on Rockwood back up to the newly expanded flood plain. Rezoning this particular area to allow for more density would lower impervious cover requirements, putting this area of our neighborhood in greater danger of flooding.

    4. The bus route on Rockwood Lane (#19 Bull Creek) that helps to define it as a transition zone is slated to be discontinued by CapMetro. Additionally, Rockwood lacks sidewalks on both sides of the street and has issues with speeding drivers. Greater density than our Neighborhood Plan allows could create parking and pedestrian safety issues.

    Thank you for your help and consideration.

  • Land Development Code third reading council meetings will start Tuesday, March 31. See below for the full meeting schedule:

    Public Comment
    Tuesday, March 24 from 4pm -12am
    Saturday, March 28 from 9am -12am

    Third Reading Special Called Meetings
    Tuesday, March 31 from 9am -12pm
    Wednesday, April 1 from 9am -4pm
    Thursday, April 2 from 10am -12am
    Tuesday, April 7 from 9am -12am (if needed)

    Third Reading Location:
    City Hall Council Chambers 301 W 2nd Street
    Or, you can watch live on ATXN

  • Here is important info from Kenneth Webb, North Shoal Creek Contact Team Chair, regarding a rezoning request for the property at 8303 N. MoPac (currently the Ergon Asphalt Plant).

    “A community meeting for a plan amendment to rezone the property at 8303 N. MoPac has been scheduled at the  North Village Branch Library, 2505 Steck Ave, on Monday, March 9, 2020. The meeting will be from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. A copy of the meeting announcement is attached. For more information, email Maureen.Meredith@austintexas.gov.

    In accordance with 7.D of its bylaws, a meeting of the NSCNP Contact Team will be held March 12, 2020, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the First Texas Honda Dealership Conference Room, 3400 Steck Avenue. The Agenda for the meeting will include:

    1) Rezoning of 8303 N MOPAC.

    2) Neighborhood Plan Amendment for 8303 N MOPAC.

    Please come to both meetings. The March 9 meeting provides an opportunity to ask the owners of the property questions you might have about this rezoning request. The March 12 meeting provides an opportunity for you to offer input regarding this request to the Contact Team.

    A public hearing before the Zoning and Platting Commission will also be required. I have been informed that this public hearing will be scheduled after the March 9 community meeting, and that. March 31 is a possible date.

    Attached are several documents which may be helpful in considering the two applications submitted for the subject property.  Most of them may be found under Development Resources at austintexas.gov:

    The January 31, 2020 LDC draft can be seen and downloaded by the link in the District 7 Newsletters, or https://app.box.com/s/vzmewodbqv0vrfqo4jrisp7cc3989cmz

    More detailed uses for mixed uses (MU) including MU5B are listed in the January 31 LDC draft in Section 23-3C-5030, pages 3C-5 pages 2-16 (pages 360-374 of 1382).

    City of Austin Guide to Zoning, September 2016. The guide contains details regarding the various types of zoning currently in effect and is available online at https://www.austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/Planning/zoning_guide.pdf



  • The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association’s (NSCNA) second General Membership Meeting of 2020 is 6:30-8:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 3 in the Pillow Elementary School Library. Please enter through Pillow’s front door; the library is the first room to your left.

    The agenda includes an update on the City of Austin’s Land Development Code Revision.

    If you haven’t already paid your $15/household dues for 2020, you can pay by cash or check at the meeting. You can also join online at www.nscna.org/join; online payments are $16/household which includes a $1 PayPal processing fee.

    Hope to see you there!

  • What’s happening:
    •Residences within 200 feet of Buell Avenue could be adversely affected by the proposed new zoning on Buell Avenue. The city’s proposed new zoning violates the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan and calls for massively dense redevelopment on Buell (MU5B-Q zoning) which is the most intense mixed-use zone and will allow residential, commercial, or mixed-use buildings up to 60 feet/5 stories, with an additional 30 feet/3 stories allowed with multifamily residences up to 5 to 7 or 8 stories tall. This will have a dramatic impact on increasing the property taxes on surrounding area residences. It would also result in an overwhelming amount of car traffic using Stillwood Lane as a path to get to Steck Avenue and Mopac Expressway.

    •Businesses on Buell Avenue could be adversely affected by the proposed new zoning on Buell Avenue by having their property taxes skyrocket beyond affordability. This would defeat the purpose of the zoning in the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan that was designed to allow the businesses on Buell to grow and yet not be affected by drastically increasing property taxes.

    Why this matters:
    •Rezoning violates our North Shoal Creek neighborhood plan, approved by City Council in Aug. 2018, which was designed to maximize density while protecting our core of family homes. Our North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan is now an official part of the City of Austin’s Master Plan that guides the land code.
    •District 7 Council Member Leslie Poole, our North Shoal Creek City Council representative, attempted to change this MU5B-Q zoning back to the IF zoning that the NSC Neighborhood Plan included, but her proposed amendment to change it back was voted against by the City Council.
    • The plan’s intention for Buell Avenue was to protect the existing businesses and allow them to grow and to include a mix of live-work spaces, residents, small scale services, artisanal businesses, offices and tradespeople. The housing considered was to be townhouses, rowhouses or small apartments. It was to serve as a transitional area between Burnet Road and the residential interior
    ”The scale and height of new buildings along Buell Avenue should be one to three stories”, “heights should step down to be compatible with adjacent residences” (page 48-49) of NSC Neighborhood Plan.

    Take action:
    •Visit FileYourProtest.com no later than February 29th for details on filing a rezoning protest. If you do file your protest, file no later than February 29th. Texas law gives you the right to protest any zoning changes affecting your property and properties near your residence.
    •FileYourProtest.com has more detailed information on MU5B-Q rezoning and an easy way to contact Mayor Adler.
    •For more information, email development@nscna.org.