NSCNA Blog Archive

  • North Shoal Creek is zoned to contain 3 of the 5 zoning codes proposed for multifamily areas in the draft LDC. Please see the map below for the locations of our neighborhood’s multifamily zones.

    RM2 (the triplexes and fourplexes on Mossrock & Dawnridge Circle):

    •             Min. lot size for a multifamily dwelling: 5,000 sq. ft.
    •             Min. lot size for a live/work dwelling or townhouse: 1,800 sq. ft.
    •             Number of dwelling units per acre: 24 base, with an additional 36/acre under AHBP
    •             Setbacks from property line: 10’ front-5’ side street-5’ side-5’ rear
    •             Compatibility setbacks <75’ wide lot: 10’-5’-15’-30’
    •                                                      >75’ wide lot: 10’-5’-20’-30’
    •             Overall max. width of bldg.: 100’
    •             Maximum height : 40‘ + 20’ AHBP (total of 60’ with AHBP)
    •             Stepbacks: <25’ = 25’
    •                              25-50 = 35’
    •                            50-100 = 45’
    •             Impervious cover: 60%


    RM3 (all other existing multifamily apartments and condos in North Shoal Creek)

    •             Min. lot size for a multifamily dwelling: 5,000 sq. ft.
    •             Min. lot size for a live/work unit or townhouse: 1,800 sq. ft.
    •             Number of dwelling units per acre: 36 base, with an additional 40/acre under AHBP
    •             If live/work or townhouse: 24 units/acre base; AHBP not available
    •             Setbacks from property line: 5’ – 5’- 5’- 5’
    •             Compatibility setbacks <75’ wide lot: 5’-5’-10’-30’
    •                                                      >75’ wide lot: 5’-5’-20’-30’
    •             Maximum height: 60′ + 30’ AHBP (total of 90’ with AHBP)
    •             Stepbacks: <25’ = 25’
    •                              25-50 = 35’
    •                           50-100 = 45’
    •             Impervious cover: 70%

    RM5 (the 300-unit complex to be constructed near the corner of Rockwood and Burnet)

    •             Min. lot size for a multifamily dwelling: 5,000 sq. ft.
    •             Min. lot size for a live/work dwelling or townhouse: 1,800 sq. ft.
    •             Number of dwelling units/acre: 54 base; unlimited if under AHBP
    •             If live/work or townhouse: 24 base with no AHBP available
    •             Setbacks from property line: 5’- 5’- 5’- 5’
    •             Height max: 90’ + 30’ AHBP  (total of 120’ with AHBP)
    •             Compatibility setbacks <75’ wide lot: 5′-5′-10′-30′
    •                                                      >75’ wide lot: 5′-5′-20′-30′
    •             Stepbacks: < 50 = 35’; 50-100 = 45’
    •             Impervious cover: 80%

  • Existing single family zoning in North Shoal Creek becomes R2A zoning, with this exception: single-family houses along Rockwood between Steck and Anderson become R4. R4 is the least-intense missing middle zone in a transition area.

    What can be built in an R2A zone? A maximum of 2 dwelling units, although a home qualifying for a preservation incentive could build a total of 3 units

    •           On a 5,000 sq. ft. lot: 1 single-family home, a duplex, or a single-family home with an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit)
    •           On a 2,500 sq. ft. lot: 1 single-family attached home
    •           Setbacks from property line: 25’ front, 15’ side street, 5’ side, 10’ rear
    •           Overall height: 35’
    •           Allowable impervious cover: 45% if lot width is greater than 45’; 50% if less than 45’
    •          Off street parking: 1 space/dwelling unit.  No parking requirement for an ADU.
    •          Maximum height of a dwelling within 10’ of property line: 30’

    What isn’t allowed in R2A? Co-housing, cottage courts, group residential, multi-family homes, Type 3 short term rentals, townhomes, and stables.

    What isn’t allowed in R4? New single family or single-family attached homes and stables. However, existing single-family homes can be maintained in perpetuity and expanded or rebuilt. Only if a single-family home were expanded to include multiple units would the right to resume single-family use of a property be lost.

    What can be built in an R4 zone? A maximum of 4 dwelling units with 4 additional units (for a total of 8) allowed under the AHBP (Affordable Housing Bonus Program)

    •           On a 10,000 sq. ft. lot with a minimum 90’ width: 6 unit cottage court; AHBP doesn’t apply.
    •           On a 5,000 sq. ft. lot: A duplex or  a multi-family unit up to a maximum of 4 units, with 4 additional units allowed under the AHBP
    •           On a 1,800 sq. ft. lot with a minimum 18’ width: a  townhouse
    •           Setbacks: 15’ front, 10’ side street, 5’ side, 5’ rear
    •           Building maximum width: 80’
    •           Overall height: 35’ + 10’ (total 45’) under the AHBP.
    •           Allowable impervious cover: 50%

  • Planning Commission

    Community Interest Announcement

    Land Development Code Revision Working Groups Workshop Monday, October 14, 2019 at 6-9:00 p.m.

    Austin City Hall

    301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, Texas

    Planning Commission Working Groups invite the public to participate in discussion regarding the Land Development Code Revision.


    6:00 p.m.

    Affordability Working Group – City Hall, Atrium Downtown Working Group – City Hall, W. 2nd Street Entrance Lounge

    Process / Admin Procedures Working Group– City Hall, Room 2003

    7:30 p.m.

    Residential Working Group – City Hall, Atrium

    Non-Residential Zones Working Group – City Hall, W. 2nd Street Entrance Lounge Transition Zones Working Group – City Hall, Room 2003

    For more info, contact Commission Liaison – Andrew Rivera 512-974-6508

  • The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan (NSCNP) Contact Team will hold a called meeting Thursday, October 10 at the First Texas Honda conference Room.

    Agenda for the meeting:

    North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan Contact Team
    Called Meeting, October 10, 2019 6:30-8:00 p.m.
    First Texas Honda Conference Room
    1. 6:30 — Call to order; quorum check; acknowledgement of voting members and new members (5min.)
    2. 6:35 — Agenda (5 min)
    3. 6:40 — Announcements (5 min)
    4. 6:45 —– Approval of minutes of August 9, 2015 meeting (5 min.)
    5. 6:50 —– Out of cycle submission of application for rezoning of property at 8803 N.MoPac (Egon Asphalt) (15 min).
    6. 7:05 — Rezoning of industrial property. (10 min).
    7. 7:15 — Rezoning property at 8803 N. MOPAC from LI to CS-NP, (25 min
    8. 7:40 — New Business
    9. 7:50 –– Adjourn

  • Hi Neighbors!

    It has been brought to the attention of the Beautification Committee that not everyone is following the City of Austin’s guidelines about keeping grass and weeds in yards properly trimmed and keeping sidewalks and streets free from nearby vegetation. Here’s a link to the City’s website where you can see what those guidelines are: https://austintexas.gov/cleartherow

    The website includes a very helpful brochure which you can download yourself, or pick up a copy of at NSCNA’s general membership meeting on Nov. 5, in the Library at Pillow Elementary School.

    Here’s a quick guide to keeping the right-of-way clear:
    • Sidewalks: Limbs and vegetation must be trimmed back from the edge of and at least 8 feet above sidewalk.
    • Streets/Alleys: Limbs and vegetation must be trimmed back from the curbline (the edge of a street or alley) and at least 14 feet above a street or alley.
    • Grass and Weeds: Maintain grass and weeds at a maximum height of 12 inches throughout property to the edge of the street or alley.
    • Corners: Maintain vegetation at a maximum of 2 feet above ground within a 10 foot setback from the curbline and 40 feet along the curbline from the street intersection.
    • Fire Hydrants: Remove trees or plants within 5 feet of fire hydrants.

    Please keep in mind that property owners are responsible for their trees and other vegetation in the public right-of-way next to their property. Overgrown vegetation can limit the use of sidewalks, trails, streets and alleys, and can also threaten public safety by blocking from view traffic signs, signals, vehicles, walkers or cyclists. You can enhance neighborhood safety by simply trimming or removing vegetation that obstructs or grows into sidewalks, streets or alleys.

    Here are some options if you notice overgrown trees or vegetation that may be a safety hazard or code violation:

    • Speak to the individual homeowner if you are comfortable doing so.
    •  Give out brochures to help educate and inform residents in North Shoal Creek.
    •  Email beautification@nscna.org with any concerns so we can help address them directly.
    •  Dial 3-1-1 to report concerns about trees, tall grass and weeds more than 12 inches in height and all other vegetation blocking the public right-of-way.

    Let’s all work together to keep North Shoal Creek’s sidewalks, streets and right-of-ways safe, accessible, and attractive. Thank you!