NSCNA Blog Archive

  • HERE’S YOUR LAST CHANCE TO COMMENT ON CODENEXT: The Austin City Council is holding its second and last hearing on CodeNEXT at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, June 2 at Austin City Hall; 301 W. 2nd Street This link takes you to info on signing up if you want to speak there: http://www.austintexas.gov/edims/document.cfm?id=297801

  • Here’s a message from the Gracywoods Neighborhood Association. This should be an interesting meeting. Did you know the location is on the east side of Burnet, just south of Braker Lane?

    “Subject: Meet the developer for the proposed MLS soccer stadium 5/3 @7p.m.

    Join us and let us know what do you think about the proposal to build a new soccer stadium on the City owned land behind Discount Tires on Braker and Burnet Road (near UT’s JJ Pickle and the Domain)?

    Precourt Sports Ventures (PSV) and MLS2ATX, their local action group. is currently involved in community engagement to inform and learn from Austin residents about what they envision for the proposed, privately funded Major League Soccer (MLS) stadium at 10414 McKalla Place, 78758. MLS2ATX will be hosting a meeting for residents of the Gracywoods Neighborhood Association, North Park Estates and all interested residents of North Austin on Thursday, May 3rd at 7p.m.

    The soccer stadium developer, Dave Greely, president of Precourt Sports Venture will share the background on the proposal and ask for your feedback. City of Austin representatives will also attend.

    When: 7 p.m., May 3, 2018
    Where: CommUnityCare – North Central, First Floor Conference Room, 1210 W. Braker Lane
    For more information, folks can email MLS2ATX at info@mls2atx.com

    About the Presenter:
    David Greely, President of Precourt Sports Venture
    Precourt Sports Ventures, LLC (PSV) is a privately-held investment and management firm focused on the sports-entertainment business. Greely, is an adviser and operating conduit for ownership group on all matters surrounding the then acquisition and the current management of Columbus Crew SC and MAPFRE Stadium. Represents PSV on Board of Governors of Major League Soccer, and oversee the business development and investment opportunities for the PVS. Precourt has offices in San Francisco, Chicago, and Columbus,

  • Guidelines for a successful meeting: We want to keep the meeting moving forward and to keep everyone interested and engaged.
    1. Let’s keep our comments shorter when many people want to speak. It’s courteous and you will hold people’s attention better.
    2. After you’ve asked a question, give others an opportunity to ask a question before you ask another.
    3. Let’s not talk over each other.
    4. Let’s keep side conversations to a minimum.
    5. If there’s a lot of discussion, we’ll raise hands to be called on to speak.
    6. Members will vote by raising their voting card.

    6:30-6:40p (10) 1. Call to Order/ Welcome/Introductions

    6:40-6:45p (05) 2. Approve minutes from March 6th General Membership Meeting

    6:45-6:50p (05) 3. Treasurer’s Report

    6:50-7:05p (15) 4. Guest Speaker: Barbara McArthur, VP, Brentwood NA, and student of CodeNext, will speak on CodeNext v.3.

    7:05-7:50p (45) 5. NSC Neighborhood Plan update (Goes before PC for 2nd time June 12. NOTE: Feedback needed to Small Area Plans Committee on Compatibility Standards for CodeNext v3)

    7:50-7:55p (05) 6. Committee reports:

    7:55-8:15p (20) 7. New Business and Announcements:
    (1. Trash truck/dumpster noise-request for help from Tony Kelly; 2. UHaul issue- helping Guy Griffiths)

    8:15p 8. Adjourn (Next GMM scheduled for September 1st, however, may need to call a special meeting prior to that to discuss our neighborhood plan.)

  • This is an important meeting; please come. Major topic will be an update on our neighborhood plan which went before the Planning Commission on April 24.  NSCNA membership will need to discuss that hearing and talk about what our association’s next steps should be. Also, we hope to have a short presentation by Barbara McArthur of the Brentwood NA on CodeNEXT Draft 3.


    1. Call to Order / Welcome / Introductions
    2. Approval of minutes of March 6th General Membership Meeting
    3. Treasurer’s report
    6. Committee Reports
    7. New Business
    8. Adjourn

  • Link to map online is available on our Facebook page (facebook.com/nscna)

    or print out a copy here: