NSCNA Blog Archive

  • The slides from NSCNA VP Sarah Brandon’s presentation at the Sept. 6 General Membership Meeting about the Association’s proposed Neighborhood Partnering Program (NPP) can now be viewed at NSCNA’s Facebook page or at this link:  NPP Presentation

    Please take a few moments to go through them. Sarah and her committee have done a great job putting together what I think is a very creative proposal. It includes a community garden, beautifying the bulb-outs on Rockwood, beautifying North Shoal Creek’s bridges, and possibly paying to have sidewalks added in high priority areas in North Shoal Creek.

    On Wed., Sept. 21, 6:30 pm, a Special Membership Meeting will held in the cafeteria at Pillow. Its purpose is to discuss the NPP proposal and to vote on whether to proceed with filing it with the City. Since the NPP requires neighborhoods to put up matching funds and/or volunteer time, voting to proceed will mean spending NSCNA’s reserve funds.  Notice of this meeting was posted on September 8.

    Please read through the presentation slides, think about the issues, and come to the Sept. 21st meeting.

  • There will be a special called meeting of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association:

    When:  Wednesday, September 21 from 6:30-8 pm.

    Where: Pillow Elementary School.

    Members will be voting on:

    • Proposed Neighborhood Partnering Program.
    • Community garden application.
    • Use of the association’s reserve funds.


  • The next General Membership Meeting of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood
    Association will be held:

    When: Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM.
    Where: Pillow Elementary School, 2025 Crosscreek Drive.

    In addition normal business, the agenda will include:

    • Neighborhood Safety and Crime Watch, by Austin Police Dept District Representative Officer Darryl Grayson and Safety Committee.
    • Neighborhood Partnership Program, including community garden.
    • Update of Austin Oak. PUD and development activities.
    • Pillow Elementary School report by Principal Hill.
    • Bylaws Amendments.
    • Election of Nominating Committee.*
    • Allandale Estates sign property maintenance.

    *Any member who is interested in serving on the Nominating Committee is asked to come to the meeting or contact the treasurer Donna Eagar by email to treasurer@nscna.org or telephone 512-467-9046 before the meeting.

  • According to information received from the City of Austin Planning & Zoning Department, the planning process for the long awaited North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan will begin soon.

    The process will begin with a Kickoff public meeting and workshop organized by the City on Saturday, October 1, from 9 AM to Noon at Pillow Elementary school cafeteria. Breakfast will be served.

    About three weeks prior to the meeting, the City will mail postcards to all neighborhood residents and property owners with information about the first couple of meetings, the Neighborhood Plan web site, and an online survey. The online survey will be open to everyone.

    At the Kickoff meeting City officials will present some background information and trends for the neighborhood, talk about the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan and what it means to be a Complete Community, and then run through a couple of exercises. The exercises will collect map data from residents on amenities and where things need improvement. There will be breakfast served at the meeting.

    Additional meetings will be held at Pillow School on:

    •  Saturday, November 12.
    •  Saturday, December 3.

    All residents are encouraged to attend these meetings and participate in the process of planning the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan.

    Additional information will be posted as it becomes available.

  • Add this date to your calendar: Saturday, October 1st, 9 am to noon, in the cafeteria of Pillow Elementary School. That’s the date of the kickoff workshop for the North Shoal Creek Planning Process (NSCPP).

    Two additional meeting have been scheduled for November 12th and December 3rd, also at Pillow.

    Watch for a postcard to arrive in early September. In addition to information about the meetings, it’ll contain the link to a website about our planning process that Austin’s Planning and Zoning Dept. will be putting online soon. It’ll also have the link to an online survey for all North Shoal Creek residents to fill out.

    Be sure to fill out the survey and come to the meetings!

    More info will be posted on nscna.org as more info arrives.