NSCNA Blog Archive


    Hi neighbors! I have been collecting Styrofoam and taking it to a recycling center since last summer. I finally found the fabric that I was looking for to sew a couple of nets and establish a drop-off center at Pillow. So please hang on to your Styrofoam until I announce that the nets will be ready at Pillow for drop off.

    If you have a lot and can’t wait a couple of weeks, here is the info on the Recycling Center in South Austin; it’s open 6 days a week:

    Austin Recycle & Reuse Drop-Off Center
    2514 Business Center Dr.
    Austin, TX 78744

    Evelin Nunes,
    Primrose Lane

  • Some North Shoal Creek residents recently received an email survey related to our North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Planning Process. It is a test run for a later neighborhood-wide survey.

    Here is an excerpt from the email describing this pilot survey that NSCNA received from Planning and Zoning Department staff:

    “… this is an initial/pilot survey that was sent to a sample of utility account holders. With this initial survey, there is only one link per respondent in order to ensure that the results are statistically significant. This initial survey will be open for two weeks. Residents should check their spam folders to make sure the email wasn’t caught by the filters.

    The City will soon be opening the same survey to all residents. Within the next week or two you will receive a post card in the mail with a link to the survey. This post card will also have a link to the North Shoal Creek plan website, and will announce the first few public meetings (we are still finishing up the details for where and when those meetings will be held). There will be additional outreach to the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association, posters, and social media campaigns.”

    Everyone, please watch for that postcard in the mail! And if you received one of the test run surveys, please fill it out by the end of the month.

  • Here’s some new information on the status of the roundabout or traffic circle planned for the intersection of Rockwood Lane and Stillwood. The information is from Michael Gaudini, Policy Advisor to Council Member Leslie Pool:

    “… the plan and designs for the traffic circle are done and the project is in utility review (to ensure that construction doesn’t accidentally damage water, electric, or another utility in the area).

    After that, the project will go through permitting (the big element here is planning the traffic control, since construction will shut down that intersection).

    Right now, Public Works is projecting that they’l have the permits this summer and their goal is to have the circle by the end of the summer. As always, these are just projections — heavy rains or other unforeseen issues could cause delays. But the project manager does know that this project has been in line for a while now and told me he is working hard to get this and other projects like it on the ground as quickly as he can.”

    Thank you to Tomas Rodriguez for requesting this information.
    Media Committee

  • The City of Austin’s Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office (NHCD) has released the Draft Austin Housing Plan, a comprehensive approach to address Austin’s most pressing housing challenges informed by input from the citizens of Austin.  The announcement of the release can be viewed at http://www.austintexas.gov/news/correction-draft-austin-housing-plan-available-public-review-0

    The stated purpose of the Austin Housing Plan is to align resources, ensure a unified strategic direction, and help facilitate community partnerships to achieve this shared vision. The Plan recommends new funding mechanisms, regulatory changes, and other creative approaches the City of Austin should utilize to achieve both market rate and affordable housing goals to maintain and create affordable housing for a range of incomes throughout the city, as envisioned in Imagine Austin, the City’s adopted comprehensive plan.

    The Draft Austin Housing Plan can be viewed at: www.austintexas.gov/housingplan

    The public is invited to provide written comments on the Draft Housing Plan. Written comments may be submitted until 5pm on August 8, 2016. Please include a name, address, and phone number. Comments can be E-mailed to NHCD@austintexas.gov or mailed to:

    Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office

    Attn: Draft Housing Plan

    P. O. Box 1088

    Austin, Texas 78767


  • The initial step of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Planning Process (NSCNPP) – a survey – is about to begin. City of Austin Planning and Zoning Dept. staff plans to send out the survey sometime this week (June 13-17).

    The kickoff meeting will be in July, possibly at Pillow Elementary School.

    As soon as survey/web links are available, we’ll post them on nscna.org, on our Facebook page, and on the NSCNA Yahoo group.