NSCNA Blog Archive

  • The following is a Communications & Public Information from City of Austin

    Share your thoughts on Parking and Transit

    Saturday, Feb. 20
    • 2 p.m. – Genuine Joe Coffeehouse – 2001 W. Anderson Lane, 78757

    What challenges do you experience getting to the areas of town that you want to go?

    For what purposes do you or would you like to use public transportation?

    When, where and how much are you willing to pay for parking?

    During February, the partnering agencies of Conversation Corps invite everyone to join an important dialogue about some of the transportation obstacles this rapidly growing city is facing. Participants will walk away with a better understanding of each other’s thoughts about the challenges of parking and transit. Themes from the conversation will be delivered to the City’s Austin Transportation Department and Capital Metro.

    We saved a seat for you!

    Saturday, Feb. 20
    • 2 p.m. – Genuine Joe Coffeehouse – 2001 W. Anderson Lane, 78757

    Other locations may be added. Find more information at conversationcorps.org

  • Neighbors are encouraged to take the Capitol Metro Survey and participate in the open houses outlined in the following which was copied from a communication received from Capitol Metro. Also, a representative from Capitol Metro will give a brief presentation on Connections2025 at the NSCNA General Membership Meeting on March 1 in the Pillow Elementary School cafeteria.

    “Capital Metro Needs Neighborhood
    Help Rethinking Our System in 2016!

    While Capital Metro works year-round to improve service for our customers, every five years we step back for a big-picture look at our changing region through a comprehensive service plan. This year we’re embarking on Connections2025, an in-depth review
    of the transit system. As the Central Texas community evolves,
    so will the transit needs and services provided by the agency.

    Neighborhood input is critical to providing transportation options
    that work for Central Texas residents and employees. We want
    to better understand your neighborhood’s travel patterns, how
    people use transit, and what we can do to improve.

    We need you!

    Capital Metro invites you complete our online survey or
    participate in open houses held across Austin between February 16th and 20th to provide valuable input. Information will be
    available in Spanish.

    We are asking our neighborhood partners to pass this information along to your internal contact lists, social media platforms, etc.

    Visit Connections2025.org to:
    • Take our online survey
    • Sign up for the project email list
    • Continuing project updates

    March / April Neighborhood Organization Meeting

    We’d like to schedule time for our staff to attend one of your
    regular meetings to provide a 10-minute Connections 2025
    briefing and discuss your neighborhood’s thoughts on transit.
    If you would like schedule a time with our staff in March or April, please contact us one week in advance.

    Thank You!

    Our system best serves our community when we work together
    with our neighbors. We need your help rethinking transit!

    Feel free to contact us with questions or for more information. If there are other individuals you recommend that we talk to, please pass their contact information along.

    You can reach us at Feedback@Connections2025.org.”

    FEB. 3, 2016 7-8:30 PM AT WATERLOO ICEHOUSE

    NSNCA President Amelia Cobb announced that the 2012 request filed by Evelin Nunes for traffic calming along Primrose has been funded. City Council Member Leslie Pool’s office included the project in a list of improvements to be funded from District 7’s share of Cap Metro money recently distributed among Austin’s council districts.

    It will be a Local Area Traffic Management Program (LATM) project and will be subject to the procedures of that program. For more info on the City’s LATM Program, please follow this link: http://www.austintexas.gov/department/local-area-traffic-management

    Evelin Nunes and Tomas Rodriguez, chair of NSCNA’s Traffic Committee, spoke about North Shoal Creek’s experience with traffic calming. Tomas described the speed cushions and traffic circle that will soon be installed on Rockwood north of Steck. This project is also funded with LATM Program money.
    Sharon Justice, NSCNA’s Media Chair, distributed handouts describing several ways to calm traffic and listing sites and documents that provide clear and concise introductions to traffic calming techniques. She urged neighbors to educate themselves about traffic calming so they’ll be better prepared to take part in the LATM planning process. These handouts can be viewed at the following links:


    Traffic Meeting References

    ity Council Member Leslie Pool’s Policy Advisor on Zoning and Land Use, Louisa Brinsmade, spoke about the neighborhood’s traffic problem and answered questions about mitigating it. She also brought handouts showing examples of safely integrating pedestrians, bikers, and traffic.
    It was clear from the questions and comments that people living along these streets are frustrated and angry with the traffic situation and that they see McCann as the source of the problem. One suggestion for mitigating the problem was to speed up traffic by making two lanes of the eastbound frontage road right turns onto Burnet. The most popular suggestion was to keep drivers from turning from McCann onto Thrushwood; drivers could still access the businesses on McCann from 183 but southbound access to Thrushwood would be blocked. Speakers also stressed the need for additional enforcement of traffic laws and more police presence.
    Additional comments and suggestions were 1) need for sidewalks; 2) remind Town North Nissan about not test driving cars through the neighborhood; 3) add signs for residential street parking; and 4) use neighborhood association money if city funding isn’t available.
    A sign-up sheet for a committee to work with the City’s Transportation Dept. during the LATM project was passed around. Evelin Nunes will chair that committee because she filed the LATM request and therefore is the City’s contact person for the project.
    Louisa Brinsmade said the possibility of partially closing McCann can’t be part of the LATM project, but the neighborhood can pursue it as a goal if they want to. There is a precedent for a similar closure on MoPac at Palma Plaza and Newfield Lane (near Enfield and MoPac).
    The meeting adjourned about 8:15. The restaurant was noisy, which made it difficult to hear what speakers said. Future meetings will be held in a quieter location.

  • The following people were elected officers and directors of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association at NSCNA’s January 5, 2016 General Membership Meeting. Please feel free to contact them with neighborhood related questions and issues using the email addresses listed below. Emails addressed to directors@nscna.org will go to all seven directors plus the four officers. Directors do not have individual email addresses.

    PRESIDENT: Amelia Cobb president@nscna.org

    VICE-PRESIDENT: Sarah Brandon vp@nscna.org

    SECRETARY: Barbara Gaston secretary@nscna.org

    TREASURER: Donna Eagar treasurer@nscna.org

    DIRECTORS: directors@nscna.org

    • Ernie Garcia
    • Sharon Justice
    • Evelin Nunes
    • Vannezsa Smith
    • Kenneth Webb
    • Lauren Werchan
    • Mike Yetter


    The annual General Membership Meeting of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association will be held:
    When: Tuesday, January 5, 2016, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
    Where: Pillow Elementary School Cafeteria, 3025 Crosscreek Drive.

    In addition to normal business the agenda will include:
    — Election and installation of officers and board of directors for 2016. Nominees selected by the Nominating Committee are:
    President: Amelia Cobb
    Vice President: Sarah Brandon
    Secretary: Barbara Gaston
    Treasurer: Donna Eager
    Ernie Garcia
    Sharon Justice
    Evelin Nunes
    Vannezsa Smith
    Kenneth Webb
    Lauren Werchan
    Mike Yetter