NSCNA Blog Archive

  • Agenda includes election of officers and directors for 2023 and a presentation by the Shoal Creek Conservancy staff about our efforts to establish a park at Shoal Creek and Steck

    All NSCNA meetings are open to the public. You do not need to be a member to come and participate.

    Pillow E.S. is located at 3025 Crosscreek. Please enter through Pillow’s front door; the library is the first room to your left.

    Please note: you must have paid your 2023 NSCNA dues to be eligible to vote in the election. Dues are $15/household. If you aren’t a member, you can join via cash or check at the meeting. Or, you can join online at any time via PayPal at www.nscna.org/join; online payments are $16/household which includes a PayPal processing fee.

    Hope to see you there!

  • According to Steve Fuquay, Project Manager at Joe Bland Construction, the project should be completed this week, although some testing may need to be completed after the Christmas Holiday. Traffic control is scheduled to be removed this Friday 12/23. Repaving Steck will take place after the first of the new year.

  • Be a part of North Shoal Creek’s holiday tradition!

    We need about a dozen volunteers to assemble and set out luminarias from 3:30-5:30 p.m. on
    Thursday, December 15ᵗʰ. Another 6 or so vol unteers are needed for cleanup afterward (from 8
    p.m. to 8:45-ish). We also need to borrow 2 tables for the refreshments, plus a recycle bin and a
    trash bin. Lastly, we need 6 or so volunteers to serve refreshments.

    If you can help with setting up or taking down the luminarias, or if you can lend us a table or
    two, a recycle bin, or a trash bin, please email social@nscna.org. In you email, tell us what you
    can do, when you’ll arrive, and for how long you can help.

    This is a family-friendly event; volunteers of all ages are welcome. Youthful energy is
    especially welcome assembling and placing the luminarias, so please bring along any kiddos needing
    to run off some energy!

    Of course, we invite every North Shoal Creek resident to visit the display from 6 to 8 p.m. to
    enjoy a beautiful luminaria walk followed by hot cocoa and cookies with neighbors. We hope to see
    you there!

  • City of Austin Offices, Facilities Closed For Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, Nov. 24-25.

    Trash, Recycling and Composting Schedules will “slide” forward one day on Thanksgiving. You will be affected if your regular collection day is Thursday or Friday. Thursday and Friday collections will be picked up on Friday and Saturday. Check your personalized curbside services calendar and set up reminders for all your collections on the Austin Recycles mobile app or online. The Recycle and Reuse Drop-off Center will be closed Thursday, Nov. 24, but remains open by appointment only on Friday and Saturday.