NSCNA Blog Archive

  • The City of Austin implemented a revised Local Area Traffic Management Program (LATM) effective January 1, 2012. Part of this program is speeding mitigation, commonly referred to as traffic calming. A person who submits a request for speeding mitigation must reside on the street requested, and also must carry out various responsibilities outlined in the request packet, including providing evidence of public support, including a petition signed by a representative of each residence on the street segment requested if the city determines it is eligible for speeding mitigation.

    Requests may to be submitted to the City of Austin Transportation Department beginning January 18, 2012. The first 60 requests received will be processed initially; others are to be processed in the next cycle, which will be conducted twice each year.

    The NSCNA Traffic Committee is coordinating submission of initial requests for speeding mitigation. Additional information may be requested by email to: traffic@nscna.org

    The Speeding Mitigation Request Packet and request forms can be viewed and downloaded at the website:


    The LATM Guidelines and Procedures for Local Area Traffic Management can also be viewed at the same web site.

  • Date: Sunday, January 15, 2012
    Time: 1pm – 2:30pm
    Location: Chip Rosenthal’s house, 8313 Franwood Ln.

    The NSCNA Traffic Committee will meet this Sunday to discuss the new Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) program. The objective is to select neighborhood areas that are good candidates for traffic calming, and identify neighbors who might serve as contacts for projects on their street.

    If you can, please review information on the LATM program in advance: http://www.austintexas.gov/department/local-area-traffic-management

  • Last night, NSCNA held its annual meeting. The membership elected our Officers and Directors for 2012.

    The results of the election are:

    • President: Kenneth Webb (*)
    • Vice-President: Donna Eagar (*)
    • Secretary: Juliette Kernion
    • Treasurer: Jeri Wines (*)
    • Directors: Marlene Bartlett, Amelia Cobb (*), Sal Espinosa, Ernie Garcia (*), Alice Kubacak (*), Robert Seidel, Scott Smith

    People marked with (*) served on the 2011 board, and continue their service into 2012.

    A draft annual report, prepared by the 2011 directors and committee chairs, was presented to members. The report will be posted, once finalized.

    Thanks to the Election Committee (Dallas Maham, Kevin Wier, Jon Menegay) for conducting our election.

    Thanks to the Nominating Committee (Alice Kubacak, Tomas Rodriguez, Mary Jane Wier) for their diligent efforts in preparing a strong group of candidates.

    Congratulations (and good luck!) to the election winners.

  • 2012 Memberships are Due

    Neighbors, it is now time to renew your NSCNA membership for 2012.

    If you haven’t joined before, now is the perfect time. Our association already is working on important issues for 2012, such as reviewing plans for redevelopment of the old “Chuck-E-Cheese” facility and neighborhood traffic calming needs. Your membership supports our work.

    The membership price remains a low $15 per household.

    Important: If you want to vote in the Board of Directors election at our Jan. 10 meeting (or if you want to run as a candidate), you must be a 2012 member.

    It’s easy to join. You can join in minutes using our online form. (A credit card will be needed and a $1 payment processing charge will be added.)

    You also can pay by check. See our membership page for information.

    You also can join at the meeting — but we are asking members to renew in advance to avoid a crowd at the sign-in table that evening.

    To ensure your membership is processed before the meeting, either: 1) renew with the online form, 2) or drop your payment off at our Treasurer’s house (2709 Steck Ave.) before noontime, Tuesday, January 10.

    Thanks for your support. Please contact membershipchair@nscna.org if you have any questions about association membership.

  • The association has been notified that an application has been filed to change the zoning at 8100 Burnet Road from CS (General Commercial Services) to MF-6 (Multifamily Residence – Highest Density). This is the location of the old “Chuck-E-Cheese” restaurant.

    You can view the information on the application by going to the City of Austin Development Review search page and searching for case number “C14-2011-0167”. (Sorry, can’t link to it directly.)

    There will be a public hearing for this application, but it has not yet been scheduled.

    Our Development Committee is monitoring this application. Committee leadership will be meeting with the developer, along with representatives from the Wooten Neighborhood (on the other side of Burnet from us) and Sustainable Neighborhoods. We will keep the neighborhood posted.

    If you wish to be added to the Development Committee, please contact webmaster@nscna.org to be added to the mailing list distribution.