By-laws committee meeting

The By-laws committee will be meeting at 7pm on January 3rd. The meeting will be held at Jeff Russell’s house located at 8204 Sandalwood Cove. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.


Thursday, January 3, 2008
8204 Sandalwood Cove
phone: 415-9809

Review proposals for bylaws amendments, consider general priorities and criteria to evaluate amendments.

TOPIC (time)
1. Introductions, review agenda (5 min)

2. Review list of proposed amendments
– specific suggestions from board meeting, members
– general suggestions
– other issues or experiences that need change

3. Consider general scheme or criteria to evaluate changes
– how evaluate if a change is good?
– what outside advice/help is needed?
– ???

4. Adjourn (5 min)

By-laws committee meeting