183/MoPac Shared Use Path To Be Completed Spring 2019
Once the shared use path is open, walkers and bikers will have access beneath 183 to Neils Thompson Road and areas north.
Once the shared use path is open, walkers and bikers will have access beneath 183 to Neils Thompson Road and areas north.
Here is a list of the NSCNA’s 2019 officers and board of directors who were elected during the January 8 membership meeting: Officers- Kevin Wier, President (president@nscna.org) Jon Menegay, Vice President (vp@nscna.org) Dylan Biles, Secretary (secretary@nscna.org) Jeri Wines, Treasurer (treasurer@nscna.org)
Agenda includes 2019 officers election. You need to have paid your 2019 dues to vote. You can pay via cash or check at the meeting or via PayPal online at nscna.org/join-us *Library is first door to your left when you
North Shoal Creek’s low tree canopy (20%) combined with the recent adoption of its neighborhood plan recently resulted in 173 free trees being distributed to North Shoal Creek residents who requested them via ACT’s 2018 program. Residents could select from
The Austin Transportation Department wants your feedback related to transportation safety and mobility for people using Shoal Creek Boulevard. A community listening session is scheduled for Wednesday, December 12, at the Gullett Elementary School cafeteria, 6310 Treadwell Boulevard. Interested stakeholders