
Are You Giving Out Goodies This Halloween? Be Sure To Add Your Address to Nextdoor’s Halloween Treat Map

If you’re welcoming trick-or-treaters this Halloween, let your neighbors know by adding your address to Nextdoor North Shoal Creek’s Treat Map. Here are Nextdoor’s instructions for doing this: Use this link to access Nextdoor North Shoal Creek: https://nextdoor.com/neighborhood/nshoalcreek–austin–tx/) Click the

NSCNA Membership Meeting, Tuesday, September 5, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Pillow Elementary School Library

The meeting agenda includes the upcoming NSCNA-sponsored skating party on September 23rd at Playland Skate Center and the election of a 5-person nominating committee that will select a slate of candidates for NSCNA’s four officer and seven board positions. Pillow