Citizen Led Austin Safety Forum (CLASP), Apr. 17

Date: Saturday, April 17, 2010
Time: 2 – 4 pm
Location: Spicewood Springs Branch Library, 8637 Spicewood Springs Rd. (map)

The Citizen Led Austin Safety Forum (CLASP) meeting is for Austin safety leaders and volunteers who are interested in preventing crime in their neighborhoods.

Guest Speaker will be Asst Chief Sean Mannix of Austin Police Department (APD), APD Staffing and the APD Budget Process. Chief Mannix will address the current status of staffing at APD, the challenges and needs, and how different parts of Austin are being impacted such as newly annexed areas.

There also will be a 30-minute panel discussion with neighborhood leaders, and a networking session.

More information is available in the latest CLASP newsletter:

Citizen Led Austin Safety Forum (CLASP), Apr. 17