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We will be hosting five open houses to roll-out the CodeNEXT draft. We have secured AISD venues throughout the city and we are inviting all Austinites to attend and participate. These open houses are not specific to Council districts but are conveniently located across Austin to facilitate attendance and participation. The purpose of these open houses is to learn about the draft code, speak to code experts who drafted portions of the draft, and provide feedback.
Please assist us in spreading the word to your networks, constituents, associations and networks by sharing the attached fliers and pointing folks to the links below.
Here is the link to the draft code which provides opportunities for public feedback. If the comments are provided by a board or commission member, I recommend they log into the online draft using their BC email address. Prior to reading the draft code, I suggest reading the information below:
1. Here is a link to education materials that help explain the new Draft Code.
2. Here is a video of a presentation as well as the presentation made to City Council explaining the draft code.
3. Here is a link to the online CodeNEXT survey – through the collaborative and comprehensive process of CodeNEXT, problems in the existing Land Development Code (LDC) were identified and solutions were developed to align the LDC with the values and vision of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. In the ongoing effort to solicit public input in the CodeNEXT process, this survey will ask you how well these solutions address the issues identified as problematic in Austin’s LDC.
In addition, there are a number of public engagement events that will be helpful to understanding the code.
The CodeNEXT Team will be hosting a series of open houses around the City:
1. Feb. 18, 2017
Crockett High School (5601 Manchaca Rd.)
Noon to 2 p.m.
2. Feb. 25, 2017
Lanier High School (1201 Payton Gin Rd.)
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
3. March 4, 2017
Lyndon B. Johnson Early College High School (7309 Lazy Creek Dr.)
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The CodeNEXT Advisory Group is hosting a meeting with various boards and commissions to discuss their interests and concerns about CodeNEXT. If your board or commission appointee would like to attend, please send one or two representatives. Here are the meeting details:
March 4, 2017
Lyndon B. Johnson Early College High School (7309 Lazy Creek Dr.)
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
4. March 25, 2017
Austin High School (1715 Cesar Chavez St.)
Noon to 2:00 p.m.
5. April 1, 2017 (Yet to be confirmed by RRISD)
Westwood High School (12400 Mellow Meadow Dr.)
Noon to 2:00 p.m.
Thank you for your assistance. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Ashley S. Greenstein, Planner II
CodeNEXT Team
City of Austin Planning & Zoning Department
505 Barton Springs Rd.
Austin, TX 78704
Phone: (512) 974-2743
ashley.greenstein@austintexas. gov