From the Shoal Creek Conservancy’s April 10, 2018 blog:
“In 2018, the Good Neighbor Award goes to the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association for developing the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan, which emphasizes walkability, connectivity, and access to green space.
The purpose of a Neighborhood Plan is to provide an opportunity for community members to shape the future characteristics of a neighborhood where they live, work, or own property.
The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Planning Area is a one square-mile section of North Central Austin surrounded by Mopac, US 183, Burnet Road, and Anderson Lane. Located along these roadways there is a variety of retail stores, restaurants, and entertainment venues. As the name of the neighborhood suggests, Shoal Creek also runs through this area.
Formulation of the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan involved outreach to residents, property owners, businesses, institutions, and families of students at a local school. Initial outreach included an emailed survey to all Austin utility account holders, a meeting with the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association, and postcards sent to almost 3,000 residents, property owners, and businesses. Following the initial survey, the City held six community workshops at Pillow Elementary School.
The Plan’s priority actions recommended by stakeholder vote include calls to:
• Create a public greenbelt along the west side of Shoal Creek from Anderson Lane to Steck Avenue.
• Construct a safe crossing for walking and bicycling from Shoal Creek Boulevard to the sidewalk and bicycle network north of US 183.
• In partnership with the Shoal Creek Conservancy, connect the Shoal Creek Trail through the planning area with enhanced pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure.
• Construct an off-street path for bicyclists from Shoal Creek Boulevard to Burnet Road along Research Boulevard.
• Construct sidewalks on Shoal Creek Boulevard from Steck Avenue to Crosscreek Drive.
• Encourage parkland dedication through redevelopment on Shoal Creek Blvd to provide public access to Shoal Creek.
• Create a sense of place/identity around the neighborhood through unique public art on the Steck bridge over Shoal Creek.
• Promote Adopt-a-Creek program for North Shoal Creek.
Join us in congratulating the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association! The 2018 Shoal Creek Awards will be held on Tuesday, May 8, 2018, at the Cirrus Logic Conference Space, located at 700 West Avenue, Austin, TX 78701. A VIP reception runs from 5:00pm to 5:30pm, and the main reception runs from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
Regular tickets, which provide access to the main reception, are $40. VIP tickets, which provide access to both the VIP reception and main reception, are $100. Tickets and information about event sponsors can be found at