Sunday March 11, 2 PM for 8 Bus Stops in Wooten,
North Shoal Creek, Allandale
Please RSVP to if you would like to help with an unusual
tree planting on Sunday Mar 11. Sustainable Neighborhoods (SN) is partnering
with CapMetro on a trial of a device called a Groasis Waterboxx that should
self-irrigate small seedlings during their vital first year in the ground. This
will be the first trial of the device in Austin for street trees.
The tree seedlings are tiny – just 4″ liners. The waterboxxes are about the
size of a large tire. They are donut shaped and wrap around the seedling,
buffering it and emitting moisture very slowly. The waterboxx’s water bladder
absorbs heat during the day and releases it at night, causing water to
condensate and refill the bladder.
While the small size of the trees means it will be longer before they reach
maturity, the fact that they are planted at a smaller size means they should be
healthier and grow faster. With less effort required to water the trees, many
more can be planted. The waterboxxes themselves are reusable.
Volunteers should meet at the northeast corner of the Ross Dress for Less
parking lot at 8100 Burnet at 2 PM. We’ll deploy the first two waterboxxes at a nearby
bus stop, then break up into teams to plant trees at the remaining seven bus
stops. As always, axes and shovels are appreciated.
Bus stop locations and proposed tree sites. Note on last slide – Lazy Ln is on
Anderson, not Burnet.\
(NOTE: copied form NSCNA yahoo message 2973)