The next General meeting of NSCNA is schedule for Tuesday May 1st, 2007 at 6:30pm in the Pillow Elementary School cafeteria.
If you have not paid your 2007 dues ($15 and this allows you to vote) you may pay these that evening. Remember, if you don’t participate, your voice is not heard. We hope that the momentum of our first quarter meetings is still going strong and hope to see all of you there on May 1st!!
The agenda for the meeting is below:
1. Setting of Meeting Norms
2. Reading of Last Meeting’s Minutes (handout and discuss at end) and
Old Business: the approval of minutes.<5 minutes>
3. Neighborhood President Malcolm St. Romain addresses the membership;
overview of what has the BOD and NA been doing? <10 minutes>
— thank yous to newsletter, block captains and volunteers, each of
the committee chairs
— newest Business Affiliate membership approved – RFCU
— response to COA Term Sheet
— meetings with COA traffic engineers, Asst City Mgr
— creating detailed Cut-Through traffic analysis of NSCNA
— library ground breaking ceremony
— new Development Committee formed and met
— Beautification grant created and submitted; pending approval
— 2 BOD members moving from neighborhood and resigned; 1 new BOD member position filled
4. Committee Chair Reports – update on Events / work performed, meetings held, Volunteer Opportunities: man power needs.<20 minutes>
A. Traffic
B. Safety
C. Beautification
D. Media
E. Development
F. Social
5. Treasurer’s Report <10 minutes>
6. VMU Presentation by COA <20 minutes>
7. Questions and Answers <10 minutes>
8. Adjourn