North central Austin is heating up! Did you know that Phase II of The Domain will bring in an estimated 80,000 new residents and 40,000 new employees just north of us? Or that the groundbreaking for construction of the new North Village Branch Library is scheduled for April? Or that the Austin-San Antonio Intermunicipal Commuter Rail District is planning regional commuter rail service along MoPac on the railroad tracks adjacent to our neighborhood?
Do you want to help enable NSCNA to take advantage of opportunities to influence and participate in the development projects that will shape the future of our neighborhood for the next generation and beyond?
The NSCNA Board of Directors has just authorized a new committee that will focus on gathering information on proposed and pending new development around or near our neighborhood that will potentially impact the quality of life of the North Shoal Creek neighborhood. The new “Development Committee” will be under the interim leadership of Liz Haltom, a member of the Board of Directors and the committee founder, until longer-term leadership can be identified (hopefully before her September due date!).
Do you know anything about the City of Austin zoning rules? Do you have a background in commercial real estate? Have you ever applied for a building permit? If you have even a smidge of experience or knowledge related to commercial development or the City of Austin rules and procedures that apply, then your neighborhood needs you! Contact Liz today (development @ nscna dot org; 512-426-8985) so that we can quickly schedule our kick-off meeting and get this Committee up and running ASAP!