Here is the monthly update from John Gillam of the Facilities Services Division of the Library System:
North Village Branch Library Replacement Project: The construction of the new North Village Branch Library continues to progress well, though hampered somewhat of late by rainy weather and, more critically, by the loss of the project’s roofing subcontractor just as that particular trade was scheduled to start their portion of the building. Due to difficulties recently encountered on another project, the long selected roofing firm was forced, for insurance reasons, to withdraw from the North Village Branch Library Project. Our general contractor has hastened to solicit bid proposals from other roofing companies, and it is hoped that a low, responsive bidder will be approved shortly by the Department of Small and Minority Business Resources to start work on the site.
Incidentally, a millwork subcontractor is also needed for the project, but as that portion of the work does not fall immediately in the critical path to completion, a more studied approach is being taken to the securing of that service provider. Ongoing construction activities at this time include installation of the structural steel decking, installation of masonry anchors, site concrete work and work on the piping for the bio-filtration pond. Final sidewalk and curb grading is expected to be initiated within the week, as well. The Library Department fully anticipates being ready to open the new North Village Branch Library to the public on Saturday, January 10, 2009, as scheduled.