Date: Thursday, January 20
Time: 7 – 9 pm
Location: Lanier High School, 1201 Payton Gin Rd. (map)
North Austin neighbors have been invited as guests to the North Austin Civic Association (NACA) monthly meeting in January. There will be some informational presentations that may be of interest to people who want to learn more about the proposal to build an RV park for homeless people near Braker and Burnet.
Here is the information we received on the meeting:
Speakers: Council Member Sheryl Cole and Alan Graham of Mobile Loaves and Fishes
Focus: Council Member Cole’s vision for Austin and her work to help the homeless of Austin. She will be available for limited Q&A.
Alan Graham will present information about the homeless (including some myths and truths) and also about his RV park (no site has been picked, so a location will not be part of Mr. Graham’s presentation)
Note: NACA will have a short business meeting to elect officers before the speakers are presented.
No debate/comments over the proposed RV park site at Burnet and Braker (or the south site) will be allowed. This is strictly an educational meeting and an opportunity to have conversation with Ms. Cole and Mr. Graham. If members of the audience need clarification about information they have heard from Ms. Cole and Mr. Graham during the meeting, those kind of questions will be entertained. If audience members become argumentative, the conversation will be halted, and we will move on.