The following was received from Jeff Engstrom, AICP, Senior Planer , City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department:
We have extended the comment deadline for the Draft North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan.
Due to popular demand, we’re extending the time for everyone to review and comment on the draft North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan. The survey will now close on Monday, January 1st.
Check out the Draft North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan on the plan web page:
If you haven’t yet, take the Final Survey:
Also, check out the draft Future Land Use Map here: Zoom in and click on any parcel to see the proposed Character District and the current Zoning District.
There will be more chances to provide input on the plan as it goes for public review. The plan is tentatively scheduled to be presented at the following meetings:
January 10th: Small Area Planning Joint Committee
February 27th: Planning Commission
Late March or early April: City Council (notices will be mailed when date is confirmed)
Thanks for all of your help throughout the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan! If you have any comments on the plan or the planning process, just send me an email or give me a call.
Jeff Engstrom, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department
(512) 974-1621