The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Newsletter is published online on a monthly basis. A concise, hard copy version will be available soon for residents to find around the neighborhood in realtor boxes. The newsletter contains a variety of information: updates from the city of Austin; upcoming events in the neighborhood; health and public safety; and even a section dedicated to pets called “Furry Neighbors.” Residents with a background or interest in writing, journalism, or digital communication are encouraged to submit articles on topics of interest to NSCNA members are welcome to join the Media Committee that edits the newsletter, designs flyers for events, and posts online about the neighborhood. If you are interested in joining, please email
To advertise your business in the newsletter, please email
History of The NSCNA Newsletter
The neighborhood began publishing a printed newsletter around 1996. The founding Newsletter editor was Pam Penick in 1996. The following is a list of the editors who made the newsletter possible: Tracy Urban 2000; Alyssa Hedge 2002; Sandy Perkins 2007; Chris Jones 2009; Cheri Hartman 2010; Juliette Kernion 2011; Claudia Perez 2012-2013; co-editors Sharon Justice, Erin Poole and Debi Smith 2014-2015; Sharon Justice 2016-2022; Josh Conrad 2023; and Deborah Glast in 2024.
The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Newsletter is an effective and affordable way for local businesses to reach neighbors. Please see our advertising information sheet for current rates and information.