Updated to reflect the new deadline, which has been extended to Wednesday, December 1.
The following message is from Evelin Nunes Vorzimmer, NSCNA Nominating Committee Chairperson:
Dear Neighbors,
Here we are, close to the end of another year and full of desires, dreams and expectation for the coming year. In that spirit, we would like to invite you to participate more actively in our neighborhood association. We need you.
In January we will have our annual election. We are looking for individuals who appreciate working with others, who have a strong sense of community and who enjoy making a difference.
We are looking for people to fill four officer positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary, as well as members for the Board of Directors. We envision a diverse group, aiming for the best interest of our community.
If you are interested, please contact me via email (evorzimmer@austin.rr.com) by Friday, November 19 Wednesday, December 1.
Please include a brief statement (maximum of 250 words) addressing the following points:
- Where you live and how long you have lived in the neighborhood.
- Tell us about your past involvement in the NSCNA, if any.
- Your thoughts about priorities for the NSCNA.
- What committees you would like to be involved in. Current committees: Membership, Media, Bylaws, Beautification, Development, Safety, Social, Traffic, Nominating (in the Fall), Election (for January meeting).
- What you want the membership to know about you
We are excited about the new possibilities, so please join us in this new journey.
Evelin Nunes Vorzimmer
Chairperson of the Nominating Committee