When: Saturday, May 5, 2012 from 8 am to 1 pm.
Where: Our neighborhood.
The North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association is hosting a NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 5, 1012, from 8am to 1 pm. How it works:
You hold a garage or yard sale at your home.
NSCNA advertises the neighborhood sales (Statesman and Craigslist, etc) puts signs around the neighborhood perimeter and creates flyers with a map and addresses of the participants.
Flyers will be given to you that morning; you can give out the flyers at your sale so shoppers can find all the homes in our neighborhood holding sales that day.
We usually have at least 30 sales that day, which attracts a lot of shoppers!
To participate in the sale: Email Ernie Garcia at garagesale@nscna.org or call her at 512-451-9374 with your name and address if you would like to participate.
The deadline if Monday, April 30 If you want to be included in the flyer.
NSCNA charges each participating household $2 to cover the costs of promoting the event. On the morning of the garage/yard sale event, we’ll bring you a supply of flyers and will pick up your $2.
We hope you’ll join us, either by hosting your own garage sale or by visiting the participating sales. It’s a fun way to meet neighbors, have an enjoyable walk around the area … and pick up a few bargains, too.
Planning and conducting this neighborhood event depends upon participation of volunteers. If you are willing to assist Ernie and the other volunteers please contact her or any other NSCNA director or officer.