Residential Core (Yellow)
- Characteristic of most single-family areas
- Can include houses of worship, libraries, parks, schools, fire stations, etc.
- Specific character will vary in different parts of Austin
Neighborhood Transition (Gold)
- Mostly residential
- Serves as a buffer between more and less intense areas
- Wide variety of housing (apartments, cottage courts, townhouses, row houses, etc.)
- Depending on local conditions — a small amount offices/ local-serving commercial
Neighborhood Node (Light Purple)
- Mixed use district
- Neighborhood-scaled
- Commercial and mixed use buildings
- Townhouses, row houses, and/or apartments
- Ideally served by transit
Mixed Use Activity Corridor (Blue)
- Imagine Austin
- Linear and mixed use
- Shopping, jobs, services, entertainment, education, parks, houses of worship, variety of housing types
- Well-served by transit
Commerce (Dark Purple)
- Primarily commercial/office
- Automobile-oriented; located on freeways or frontage roads
- Not well-suited for residential
- Large shopping centers, hotels, car dealerships, office parks, etc.
Industrial (Gray)
- Manufacturing, warehousing, R & D, packaging, etc.
- Located across the city
- Not compatible with residential uses
North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan Draft Future Land Use Map (FLUM)