An earlier related posting was made on December 3, 2012.
The following communication was received from the City of Austin:

‘City Auditor seeks public input on 10-ONE redistricting process documents

Releases draft Charter interpretations, applications, and timeline for comment

The City Auditor’s Office seeks public input on several issues concerning implementation of the 10-ONE redistricting process that will change the way the Austin City Council is elected.

Comments will be accepted through January 11, 2013 on:

The City Auditor’s interpretation and clarification of language in the voter-approved Charter proposition that established geographic representation for City Council.
Applications that reflect input previously received in a public forum.
The timeline to establish the Citizens Redistricting Commission that will ultimately draw the district lines.
The draft documents are available on the 10-ONE Redistricting Portal at

Comments will be accepted by email at; by phone at (512) 974-2805; or by mail at Office of the Auditor, 10-ONE Process, 301 W. Second St., Austin, Texas 78701.

“We understand the importance of this significant change to the election process for our city,” City Auditor Kenneth J. Mory said. “Public involvement is key to its success. The 10-ONE website is a resource for you to participate in the process.”

In November, Austin voters approved expanding the City Council from seven to 11 members with the Mayor elected citywide and Council members chosen from 10 geographic districts. Previously, all members were elected citywide.

The first election under the 10-ONE system will be in November 2014, pending U.S. Department of Justice approval of the change in the election system.’ Note: End of auditor message
In summary, the Citizens Redistricting Commission Selection Process is:

City Auditor receives applications for:
Applicant Review Panels
Citizens Redistricting Commission

During a public meeting the city auditor will select three applicants for the Applicant Review Panel.
The Applicant Review Panel will choose 60 applicants for the Citizens Redistricting Commission.

During another public meeting, the City Auditor will randomly select 8 names from the selected Citizens Redistricting Commission applicants. Theses 8 individuals will then select 6 more names from the remaining pool of applicants. These 14 individuals will comprise the Citizens Redistricting Commission, which establish the boundaries of the 10 council districts of the City.