Candy Ellard, a longtime resident of North Shoal Creek, was honored Jan. 6 at the White House with a Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Ms. Ellard teaches math and science at Pillow Elementary. She was named Teacher of the Year in 2008, an award given annually to the best pre-college-level science and math teachers from across the country. (You can see her receiving her award in the photo at right.) One of 87 teachers honored, Ms. Ellard received a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation and was invited to Washington, D.C. to meet President Obama.
The Austin American-Statesman interviewed Ms. Ellard recently about her success and thoughts on teaching. You can read the full article here.
[Photo credit: “Candy Ellard, 2009 Outstanding Texas Educator” by Lynn McCutchen. Found on Flickr, used with permission.]