Summary of NSC Planning Process Kickoff Survey Results

Planning and Zoning Department staff have created a one-page summary showing the results of the Kickoff Survey for the North Shoal Creek Planning Process (that survey closed on October 7th).  The summary page contains the following charts:

  1. How complete is your community? (North Shoal Creek scored 6.9 on a 10 point scale).
  2. What would make your neighborhood more complex?
  3. How often do you travel by car, bus, bicycle, or by foot?
  4. What would encourage you to walk, bike, or use transit?
  5. What are your top priorities for the neighborhood?
  6. What do you like best about the neighborhood?
  7. Who participated in the survey? (107 responses, broken down by age group)

You can view the survey summary page at this link: NSC Planning Process: Kickoff Survey Results

Five slides providing more detailed information on the survey results have been posted at NSCNA’s Facebook page:



Summary of NSC Planning Process Kickoff Survey Results