We need your input for a City Council and Mayoral Candidate Forum.
Our neighborhood is partnering with Allandale, Crestview, Brentwood, Highland, and Wooten to sponsor a City Council Candidate Forum on Monday, April 13th. Our six neighborhoods are joining together to address the pressing issues that will impact all of north central Austin as our city undergoes rapid growth and development.
We need your help to formulate good questions to ask the candidates. We’ve divided our neighborhood concerns into the following possible topic areas.
- Code enforcement
- Open space
- Neighborhood plan follow-through (or in our case, the lack of a neighborhood plan)
- Land use and zoning
- Creek-side trails, greenbelts
- Traffic and transportation
- Responsiveness(/li>
- Miscellaneous
Please visit our online survey to submit your suggestions or concerns so that we can ask the candidates questions that are most relevant to you. Please submit your questions by March 10th.
Upcoming Candidate Forum Input